
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
24.08.2010Pamela Price  Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus   Introduction and Indus Valley Civilization  Avari, 38-59. 
31.08.2010Pamela Price  Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus   Vedic India  Avari, 60-85; Thapar (1995), 80-141

Obligatory essay:

Your readings present you with three models of the state in medieval India, by authors Stein, Talbot and Kulke. Discuss the differences between the models and their similarities. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each of the three models.

Do not use information which you retrieve through the internet. Do not use the textbook, Indias historie, as your main source.

The essays are due at the 8th class meeting, October 19th.

Read on the website for the course the details for the essay (length, citation use).


07.09.2010Pamela Price  Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus   Continuing Vedic India  Avari, 86-104, 105-127; Thapar (2000), 422-438; Thapar (1981), 409-426; Heesterman, 128-140 
14.09.2010Pamela Price  Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus   Ancient Empires  Avari, 128-154, 155-180; Inden (1978), 131-36. 
21.09.2010Pamela Price  Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus   Introduction to Early Medieval Kingship  Kulke & Rothermund, 103-151


28.09.2010Pamela Price  Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus   Early Medieval Kingship   Price (in Danish, English provided if needed), 30-44; Stein, (1990), 217-238; Inden (1998), 41-91 
05.10.2010Pamela Price  Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus   Early Medieval Kingship in the Tamil Country  Avari, 181-202; Dirks, 125-157; Ramanujan, 113-133, 137-142, 231-236, 286-296 
19.10.2010Pamela Price  Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus   Medieval Kingdoms The Cholas in Tamil Country  Heitzman (1997), 1-25; Heitzman (1987), 35-61; Shulman, 3-46 
26.10.2010Pamela Price  Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus   Medieval Kingdoms The Kakatiyas in Telugu Country  Talbot (2001), 126-173; Talbot (1995), 391-430; Kulke, 233-262; Asher and Talbot, 53-83;  
02.10.2010Pamela Price  Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus   Medieval Temples and Lordship: Theory and Tamil Practice  Appadurai and Breckenridge, 187-211; Ogura, 119-141; Orr (2000), 3-36; Orr (1994), 107-141. 
09.11.2010  Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus   Medieval Temples and Lordship: Patterns in Telugu Country  Talbot (1991), 308-40. 
16.11.2010Pamela Price  Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus   Late Medieval Islamic Governance  Stein (1998), 134-152, 160- 164; Eaton (2000), 245-281; Eaton (1993), 3-70; Eaton (2000), 203-224.


Published Aug. 22, 2011 11:31 AM - Last modified Sep. 1, 2011 2:40 PM