
Det forutsettes at studentene er kjent med hovedlinjene i verdens nyere historie, særlig fra 1789 og frem til 1989.


Payne, Stanley G. A history of Fascism. 1914-1945. London: Routledge, 2005.

Del I ss. 3-327; Del II ss. 441-470; 496-520.

Følgende utgave er tilgjengelig on line:

Payne, Stanley G. A history of Fascism. 1914-1945. London: UCL, 1995.

Ca. 360 sider



Lipset, Seymour Martin «Fascism» i Lipset, Seymour Martin. Political man: the social bases of politics. Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981 [1960], 127-179.

Sternhell, Zeev, Mario Sznayder og Maia Asheri «Introduction: Fascism as an Alternative Political Culture» i Sternhell, Zeev, Mario Sznayder og Maia Asheri. The birth of fascist ideology: from cultural rebellion to political revolution. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1994, 3-35.

Mudde, Cas «The war of words defining the extreme right party family». West European Politics, 1996, 19:2, 225-248.

Eatwell, Roger «Ten Theories of the Extreme Right» i Merkl, Petter H. og Leonard Weinberg. Right-Wing Extremism in the Twenty-first Century. London: Frank Cass, 2003, 47-73.

Wolff, Elisabetta Cassina «En ensom ridder mot den moderne verden. Julius Evola og høyreradikalisme i etterkrigstidens Europa» i Sørensen, Øystein, Bern Hagtvet og Bjørn Arne Steine. Høyreektremisme. Ideer og bevegelser i Europa. Oslo: Dreyer Forlag, 2012, 161-191.

Ferraresi, Franco «The Strategy of Tension: Background and Precedents» i Ferraresi, Franco. Threats to Democracy. The Radical Right in Italy after the War. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1996, 69-83.


Artikler tilgjengelig på nettet:

Ignazi, Piero. «The Silent Counter-Revolution. Hypotheses on the Emergence of Extreme Right-Wing Parties in Europe», European Journal of Political Research, 1992, 22:1, 3-34.

Eco, Umberto «Ur-Fascism». The New York Review of Books, 22. juni 1995.

Eatwell, Roger. «On defining the ‘’Fascist Minimum’: the centrality of ideology».  Journal of Political Ideologies, 1996 1(3): 303-319.

Paxton, Robert O. «The Five Stages of Fascism», The Journal of Modern History, 1998, 70: 1, 1-23.

Prowe, Diethelm. «'Classic' Fascism and the New Radical Right in Western Europe Comparisons and Contrasts», Contemporary European History, 1994, 3: 3, 289-313.

Hobson, Rolf «Etter liberalismen kommer nasjonalismen: 1880-årene viser vei». Internasjonal politikk, 2019, 77: 1, 1-26.

Lipset, Seymour Martin. «The Radical Right: Problem for American Democracy?», The British Journal of Sociology, 1955, 6: 2, 176-209.

Bar-On, Tamir. «The Ambiguities of the Nouvelle Droite, 1968-1999», The European Legacy, 2001, 6:3, 333-351.

Griffin, Roger. «Between metapolitics and apoliteia: The Nouvelle Droite’s strategy for conserving the fascist vision in the 'interregnum'», 2000, Modern & Contemporary France, 8:1, 35-53.

Mammone, Andrea. «The Transnational Reaction to 1968: Neo-fascist Fronts and Political Cultures in France and Italy», Contemporary European History, 2008, 17: 2, 213-236.

Mammone, Andrea. «The Eternal Return? Faux Populism and Contemporization of Neo-Fascism across Britain, France and Italy», Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 2009, 17:2, 171-192.

Spektorowski, Alberto. «The New Right: Ethno-regionalism, ethno-pluralism and the emergence of a neo-fascist 'Third Way'», Journal of Political Ideologies, 2003, 8:1, 111-130.

Sternhell, Zeev «How to think about fascism and its ideology» i Constellations, September 2008, Vol.15 (3), 280-290.

Etter liberalismen kommer nasjonalismen:
1880-årene viser vei
,  av Rolf Hobson.

Publisert 6. juni 2019 09:48 - Sist endret 6. juni 2019 09:49