
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
30.08.2010Helge Pharo    “Development Aid – historiography of a new field of historical research.”  For the first class students should consult the articles by Richard T. Griffiths, Heide-Irene-Schmidt and Helge Pharo, and Frederick Cooper. For additional reading, see pp. 3-129 in Olav Stokke, and Jarle Simensen “Writing the History of Development Aid”. In Scandinavian Journal of History, pp. 167-82, vol. 32/2, 2007. 
06.09.2010Helge Pharo    The Origins of Development Aid – Aid and the Cold War  Contemporary European History, Schmidt/Pharo, Frey, Schmidt, Tomlinson, Bossuat, Arens; Journal of Modern European History, Cooper, Hodge; Aid Rush I, Pharo, Brunbech; Aid Rush II, Pharo. Suggested additional reading: Carol Lancaster: Foreign Aid. Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Politics (Chicago and London, 2007), pp. 1-24, 62-109; Michael E. Latham, Modernization as Ideology (Chapel Hill and London, 2000). Pp. 69-108. 
13.09.2010Helge Pharo    Strategies of Growth and the First Development Decade. Lessons of the interwar and wartime eras.  Lessons of the interwar and wartime eras.” Contemporary European History, Schmidt/Pharo, Tomlinson, Schmidt, Arens; in Aid Rush I, Griffiths, Schmidt, Dierikx, Pedersen, Pohle Fraser; Stokke, 131-156. Suggested additional reading: Latham, Modernization as Ideology, pp. 1-68, William Easterley, The Elusive Quest for Growth (Cambridge, Mass. and London,, 2001), 1-70; Amy L.S. Staples, The Birth of Development (Kent, Ohio, 2006). 
20.09.2010Monika Pohle Fraser    Aid Efficiency: International Donor Coordination and Cooperation since the 1960s.  Stokke, 137-186. Also the following: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7340796.stm, Are Afghanistan’s aid millions well spent?, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8092901.stm, Does Bangladesh use foreign aid wisely? 
27.09.2010Helge Pharo    Common and Diverging interests. Donors, Recipients and the: Control of the Aid Agenda.  In Contemporary European History, Tomlinson, Bossuat, Arens; Journal of Modern European History, Unger, Bamba; Aid Rush I, Pharo, Schmidt, Olesen, Dierikx, Brunbech; Aid Rush II, Pharo, Roy, Pohle Fraser. 
04.10.2010Helge Pharo    “Dog Wags Tail or Tail Wags Dog. What does the Power of the Purse Amount to?”  “Dog Wags Tail or Tail Wags Dog. What does the Power of the Purse Amount to?” Aid Rush I, Pharo, Engh; Aid Rush II, Pharo, Roy, Gebregaziabher, Simensen, Selbervik, Pohle Fraser; Journal of Modern European History, Bamba. 
11.10.2010Hanne Hagtvedt Vik    “Power Relations in International Development Assistance: The Case of the World Bank.”  The Case of the World Bank.” Aid Rush I, Vik. 
18.10.2010Helge Pharo    “Aid as Great Power Politics – the United States, the Soviet Union and the former European imperial powers.”  Contemporary European History, Frey, Tomlinson, Bossuat, Schmidt, Calandri: Journal of Modern European History, Cooper, Bamba, Katsakioris. Suggested additional reading: Latham, Modernization as Ideology, 69-207. 
25.10.2010Monika Pohle Fraser    National Governments, “Private Industry and UNCTAD: the Domestic Aid Agenda and the Recipients.”  ” Contemporary European History, Schmidt/Pharo, Schmidt; Aid Rush I, Pharo, Olesen; Stokke.


01.11.2010Helge Pharo    “Aid as Domestic Politics – who are the targets?”  Contemporary European History, Bossuat, Arens, Schmidt, Calandri, Pharo; Aid Rush I, Schmidt, Olesen, Pedersen, Dierikx, Brunbech, Smits; Aid Rush II, Pharo, Simensen. 
08.11.2010Helge Pharo    “Transforming India’s Fisheries – Aid as Entrepeneurship.”  Aid Rush II, Pharo. 
15.11.2010Sunniva Engh    “The Scandinavian Countries and Women in Development.”  Aid Rush I, Engh. 
Published Aug. 10, 2010 2:31 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2010 4:55 PM