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Peter N. Stearns: Consumerism in World History: The Global Transformation of Desire, London: Routledge 2001 (130 sider).

Matthew Hilton og Martin Daunton (eds.):The Politics of Consumption, Oxford: Berg 2001, Introduction, kap. 7, kap. 13 (86 sider).

Don Slater: Consumer Culture & Modernity, Cambridge: Polity Press 1997, s. 8-100 (92 sider).

*Martyn J. Lee (red.): The Consumer Society Reader, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers 2000, kap. 5, 6, 7, s. 48-92 (44 sider).

*Richard F. Kuisel: Seducing the French: The Dilemma of Americanization, Berkely: University of California press 1993, kap. 5: ”The American Temptation: The Coming of Consumer Society” s. 103-131 (28 sider).

*Richard Tedlow: New and Improved. The Story of Mass Marketing in America, New York: Basic Books 1990, kap. 1: ”The All-Consuming Century”, s. 3-22 og kap. 6: ”Modern Marketing in Historical Perspective” s. 344 – 377 (42 sider).

*Tove Nielsen: ”Arbeiderbevegelsen, krisen og markedet” i Tidsskrift for arbeiderbevegelsens historie nr 1/78, Oslo 1978, s. 57-78 (21 sider).

*Erika Rappaport: Shopping for pleasure: women in the making of London's West End, Princeton University Press 2000, kap. 2 (28 sider).

*Victoria de Grazia (red.): The sex of things: gender and consumption in historical perspective, University of California Press 1996, s. 151-162, 188-275 (98 sider).

*Jill Greenfield, Sean O’Connell og Chris Reid: “Gender, Consumer Culture and the Middle-Class Male, 1918-1939", i Alan Kidd og David Nicholls (eds.): Gender, civic culture, and consumerism: middle-class identity in Britain, 1800-1940, Manchester University Press 1999, s. 183-198 (15 sider).

*Mary Nolan: ”’Housework Made Easy’: The Taylorized Hosewife in Weimar Germany’s Rationalized Economy”, Feminist Studies 16, fall 1990, s. 549-77 (28 sider).

Ellen Furlough og Carl Strikwerda (eds.): Consumers Against Capitalism? Consumer Cooperation in Europe, North America, and Japan, 1840-1990, Lanham: Roman and Littlefield 1999, kap. 1, 5, 6, 8, 12, s. 1-53, 135-190, 221-39 og 331-354 (146 sider).

*Sun-Joon Hwang: ”Konsumentkooperationen som konsumentorganisation”, kap. 4 i Folkrörelse eller affärsföretag. Den svenska konsumentkooperationen 1945-1990, Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 1995, s. 103-130 (27 sider).

Totalt: 1067 sider

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Publisert 6. mars 2005 08:59