Lecture slide in fronter, readings for next session (27.8.)

Dear all,

I have uploaded today's power point slides on fronter, you will find them in the 'Lectures' folder. From now on, I will do this with all lecture presentations, which you can expect to find shortly after they have been presented in the course room.

I will also use fronter to deposit other teaching material and notify you if I have done so.

For the next meeting on 'approaches to the history of popular culture' I want you to read Richard Peterson's article 'Why 1955?', you will find a link to this journal article on this course's pages under 'syllabus'. In addition, I want to invite you to read either the book chapter by William Sewell jr., 'The concept(s) of culture' or the introduction to the volume 'Resistance through rituals' by Clarke/Hall/Jefferson/Roberts. Both these latter texts are to be found in the printed syllabus which you are able to purchase at the Kopiutsalg in the basement of the 'Akademika' bookshop (on campus).

As guiding questions to explore the texts, try to identify how they define (popular) culture, how and why they think it changed and how it affected peoples' behaviour in the past.

I am looking forward to seeing you next week!



Published Aug. 20, 2014 2:58 PM