
Tekster merket med * finnes i kompendium som selges i Kopiutsalget på Akademika. # er bøker som selges på Akademika. € er tilgjengelig online.


# Dinan, Desmond, Europe Recast. A history of European Union. Palgrave Macmillan : Basingstoke 2004. (ca. 300 sider)

# Rosamond, Ben, Theories of European Integration. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke 2000. (ca. 200 sider)

Øvrig litteratur:

# Burgess, Michael, Federalism and European Union: The building of Europe, 1950-2000. Routledge: London 2000.

• Kap. 3 “Federalism and the building of Europe, 1950-1972.” (ss. 55-99)

• Kap. 4 “Federalism and the struggle for European Union, 1974-84” (ss. 101-156).

• Kap. 5 “Federalism, European Union and the Single European Act, 1985-88.” (ss. 157-188).

*Burk, Kathleen, “The Marshall Plan: Filling in some of the blanks”, i Contemporary European History, vol. 10, no. 2, 2001. (ss. 267-294).

€ Garavini, Guiliano. - The Battle for the Participation of the Community in the G7 (1975-1977). I Journal of European Integration History, Vol. 12, Nr. 1, 2006, s. 141-158.

*Griffiths, Richard & Ward, Stuart (eds.), Courting the common market: The first attempt to enlarge the European Community 1961-63. Lothian Foundation Press: London 1996.

• Kap 1: Richard Griffiths and Stuart Ward, “The End of a thousand years of history”: The origins of Britain’s decision to join the European community, 1955-61.” (ss. 7-38).

• Kap 3: Gérard Bossuat, ”The choice of “La petite Europe” by France, 1957-63: An ambition for France and for Europe.” (ss. 59-82).

*Elvert, Jürgen, “A fools game or a comedy of errors?: EU enlargements in comparative perspective” in. W. Kaiser and J. Elvert (eds.) European Union Enlargement. A Comparative History. Routledge: 2005 (s. 189-208)

€ Kaelble, Hartmut, “The Historical Rise of a European Public Sphere?” I Journal of European Integration History,Vol. 8, Nr. 2, 2002, s. 9-22.

*Kaiser, Wolfram, “Transnational Western Europe since 1945: integration as political society formation.” in. W. Kaiser and P. Starie (eds.), Transnational European Union. Towards a common political space. Routledge: London 2005. (ss. 17-35).

€ Kaiser, Wolfram. “Culturally Embedded and Path-Dependent: Peripheral alternatives to ECSC/EEC ‘core Europe’ since 1945”. I Journal of European Integration History, Vol. 7, Nr. 2, 2001, s. 11-36.

*Ludlow, N. Piers, “The eclipse of the extremes. Demythologising the Luxembourg compromise.” I W. Loth (ed.), Crises and Compromises: The European Project 1963-1969. Nomos Verlag: Baden-Baden 2001 (ss. 247-264).

# Lundestad, Geir, “Empire” by Integration. The United States and European Integration, 1945-1997. Oxford University Press : Oxford 1998.

• Kap 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 og 10. (ss. 13-98 og 126-146)

*Middlemas, Keith, Orchestrating Europe. The informal politics of European Union 1973-1995. Fontana Press : London 1995.

• Kap. 4. “Making the Market: The Single European Act, 1980-88.” (ss.111-155). • Kap. 5. “Maastricht and After, 1988-93.” (ss. 156-206).

€ Milward, Alan S., “Allegiance. The Past and the Future”, I Journal of European Integration History, Vol. 1, Nr. 1, 1995, s. 7-19.

*Milward, Alan S. & Sørensen, Vibeke, “Interdependence or integration? A national choice.” I Alan S. Milward et. al., The Frontier of National Sovereignty. History and theory 1945-1992, Routledge: London 1992. (ss. 1-32).

*Möckli, Daniel, “Speaking with one voice? The evolution of a European Foreign Policy” in. A. Deighton and G. Bossuat (eds.), The EC/EU: A World Security Actor?, Soleb: Paris 2007. (s. 132-150)

*Nuttall, Simon J., European Political Co-Operation. Clarendon Press: Oxford 1992.

• Kap. 3 “The Formative Years (1970-1973)”. (ss. 51-80)

€ Önis, Ziya. “An Awkward Partnership: Turkey's Relations with the European Union in Comparative-Historical Perspective” I Journal of European Integration History, Vol. 7, Nr. 1, 2001, s. 105-119.

€ Ruano, Lorena, ”The Consolidation of Democracy vs. the price of Olive Oil: The Story of why the CAP Delayed Spain’s Entry to the EC” I Journal of European Integration History, Vol. 11, Nr. 2, 2005, s. 97.

€ Wilkens, Andreas, “Westpolitik, Ostpolitik and the Project of the Economic and Monetary Union. Germany's European Policy in the Brandt Era (1969 - 1974)” I Journal of European Integration History, Vol. 5, Nr. 1, 1998, s. 73-102.

*Clemens Wurm, “Early European integration as a research field: perspectives and problems” I C. Wurm (ed.), Western Europe and Germany. The Beginnings of European Integration 1945-1960. Berg publishers: Oxford 1995. (ss. 9-26).

Ekstrabok for HIS4372

Wolfram Kaiser and Antonio Varsori (eds), European Union History: Themes and Debates, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2010. 208 sider pluss bibliografi etc.

Ca. 1300 sider

Publisert 6. juni 2013 10:25 - Sist endret 12. juni 2013 15:39