
Pensumliste til arkeologidelen av HIS 4600R

Bibliografi til ”Gender”.

M.T. Boatwright,”Just Window Dressing? Imperial Women as Architectural Sculpture”, i D.E.E. Kleiner & S.B. Matheson (red.), I, Claudia II, Austin 2000, s. 61-75 (15 s.).

E. D’Ambra, “Nudity and Adornment in Female Portrait Sculpture of the Second Century A.D., i D.E.E. Kleiner & S.B. Matheson (red.), I, Claudia II. Women in Roman Art and Society (Austin 2000), s. 101-114 (14 s.).

N. B. Kampen, “Omphale and the Instability of Gender”, i N.B. Kampen (red.), Sexuality in Ancient Art, Cambridge 1996, s. 233-246 (14 s.).

N.B. Kampen, “Gender Theory in Roman Art”, i D.E.E. Kleiner & S.B. Matheson (red.), I, Claudia. Women in Ancient Rome, New Haven 1996, s. 14-25 (10 s.).

D.E.E. Kleiner, “Family Ties”. Mothers and Sons in Elite and Non-Elite Roman Art “, i D.E.E. Kleiner& S.B. Matheson, I Claudia II. Women in Roman Art and Society, Austin 2000, s. 43-60 (18 s.).

A.O. Koloski-Ostrow & C.L. Lyons (red.), Naked Truths. Women, sexuality and gender in classical art and archaeology, London-New York 1997. Hele boken minus kap. 7 (281 s.)

S.B. Matheson, “The Elder Claudia. Older Women in Roman Art”, i D.E.E. Kleiner & S.B. Matheson (red.), I, Claudia II. Women in Roman Art and Society, Austin 2000, s. 125-138 (14 s.)

A. Oliver, “Jewellery for the Unmarried”, i D.E.E. Kleiner & S.B. Matheson (red.), I, Claudia II. Women in Roman Art and Society, Austin 2000, s. 115-124 (10 s.).

S. Sande, “An old Hag and her Sisters”, Symbolae Osloenses 70 (1995), s. 30-52 (12 s.).

A. Wallace-Hadrill, “Engendering the Roman House”, I D.E.E. Kleiner & S.B. Matheson (red.), I, Claudia. Women in Ancient Rome, New Haven 1996, 104-115 (10 s.).

Bibliografi til “Graver”.

L. Berczelly, “De som ikke skrev bøker – sarkofagrelieff som vitnesbyrd om hverdagsfilosofi i keisertidens Roma”, i E. Østby, T. Skedsmo & G. Alfsen (red.), I H.P. L’Oranges fotspor, Oslo 1996, s. 112-132 (20 s.).

G. Davies,”Burial in Italy up to Augustus”, i R. Reece (red.), Burial in the Roman World, London 1977, s. 13-19 (7 s.).

C.J.S.Green, “The significance for plaster burials for the recognition of Christian cemeteries”, I R. Reece (red.), Burial in the Roman World, London 1977, s. 46-53 (6 s.).

J. Huskinson, Roman Children’s Sarcophagi. Their Decoration and Social Significance, Oxford 1996. (135 s.).

R. Jones, “A Quantitative Approach to Roman Burial”, i R. Reece (red.), Burial in the Roman World, London 1977, s. 20-25 (6 s.).

M. Koortbojian, Myth, Meaning and Menmory on Roman Sarcophagi, Berkeley-Los Angeles-London 1995 (146 s.).

H. Lindsay, “Eating with the Dead: the Roman Funarery banquet”, i I. Nielsen & H.S. Nielsen (red.), Meals in a Social Context, Aarhus 1998, s. 67-80 (14 s.).

I. Morris, Death-ritual and social structure in classical antiquity, Cambridge 1992 (264 s.).

Ph. Rahtz, “Late Roman cemeteries and beyond”, i R. Reece (red.), Burial in the Roman World, London 1977, s. 53-64 (12 s.).

S. Walker, Memorials to the Roman Dead, London 1985 (62 s.). Passer godt som innføring i de forskjellige typer gravmonumenter.


Pensum 4600R: Historiedelen

* betyr at disse er kopiert opp i en masterkopi på instituttet

1. Generell introduksjon

John Arnold, History, A very short introduction (Oxford 2000) (120 s.)

2. Fagtradisjon


Peter Burke, Annales-skolen, En introduktion (Göteborg 1992), 27-147 (120 s.)

*Arnved Nedkvitne, ”Mentalitetshistorie – en historiografisk blindgate?”, Historisk tidsskrift (1991), 62-71 (10 s.)


*Sverre Bagge, ”Utsikt og innhogg: 150 års forskning om eldre norsk historie”, Historisk tidsskrift (1996), 37-77 (40 s.)


*Hans Werner Goetz, ”Historical Studies on the Middle Ages in Germany: Traditions, Current Trends, and Perspectives”, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 105 (2006), 207-230 (24 s.)


*Matthew Innes, “A fatal disjuncture? Medieval History and Medievalism in the UK”, Mediävistik im 21. Jahrhundert, Hg. H.W. Goetz, J. Jarmut (München 2003), 73-100 (28 s.)

3. Kulturhistorie: Inkvisisjon og skriftemål

Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Montaillou: Katarer og katolikker under inkvisisjonen i en landsby i Pyrenéene 1294-1324 (Oslo 1986), 74-91, 186-203, 362-382, 408-421 (71 s.)

*Peter Biller, ”Confession in the Middle Ages: Introduction”, Handling Sin: Confession in the Middle Ages, ed. P. Biller, A.J. Minnis (York 1998), 3-33 (31 s.)

*John W. Baldwin, ”From the Ordeal to Confession: In Search of Lay Religion in Early Thirteenth-Century France”, Handling Sin: Confession in the Middle Ages, ed. P. Biller, A.J. Minnis (York 1998), 191-209 (19 s.)

Eksempler på bekjennelser fra (*Beatrice de Planissoles) (27 s.)

4. Begrepskritikk av stat og føydalisme

*Lester K. Little & Barbara H. Rosenwein, “Feudalism and Its Alternatives”, Debating the Middle Ages: Issues and Reading, ed. L.K. Little, B.H. Rosenwein (Malden, MA 1998), 107-113 (7 s.)

*Pierre Bonnassie, “The Banal Seigneury and the “Reconditioning” of the Free Peasantry”, Debating the Middle Ages: Issues and Reading, ed. L.K. Little, B.H. Rosenwein (Malden, MA 1998), 114-133 (20 s.)

*Dominique Barthélemy, “The Year 1000 Without Abrupt or Radical Transformation”, Debating the Middle Ages: Issues and Reading, ed. L.K. Little, B.H. Rosenwein (Malden, MA 1998), 134-147 (14 s.)

*Elisabeth A.R. Brown, “The Tyranny of a Construct: Feudalism and Historians of Medieval Europe”, Debating the Middle Ages: Issues and Reading, ed. L.K. Little, B.H. Rosenwein (Malden, MA 1998), 148-169 (22 s.)

*Fredric L. Cheyette, “Giving Each His Due”, Debating the Middle Ages: Issues and Reading, ed. L.K. Little, B.H. Rosenwein (Malden, MA 1998), 170-179 (10 s.)

*Gerd Althoff, “Amicitiae [Friendships] as Relationships Between States and Peoples”, Debating the Middle Ages: Issues and Reading, ed. L.K. Little, B.H. Rosenwein (Malden, MA 1998), 191-210 (20 s.)

*Susanne Reynolds, ”The Historiography of the Medieval State”, Companion to Historiography, ed. M. Bentley (London 1997), 117-138 (22 s.)

*Leidulf Melve, “Har staten vendt attende, og i tilfellet: kvar er den?”, Historisk tidsskrift (2006), 193-230 (38 s.)

5. Litterær vending og narrative kilder

*Gabrielle Spiegel, ”History, Historicism, and the Social Logic of the Text in the Middle Ages”, Speculum 65 (1990), 59-86 (28 s.)

*Robert Stein, ”Literary criticism and the evidence for history”, Writing Medieval History, ed. N. Partner (London 2005), 67-87 (21 s.)

*Sarah Foot, “Finding the meaning of form: narrative in annals and chronicles”, Writing Medieval History, ed. N. Partner (London 2005), 88-108 (21 s.)

*Monika Otter, “Functions of fiction in historical writing”, Writing Medieval History, ed. N. Partner (London 2005), 109-130 (32 s.)

Til sammen ca. 745 s.

Publisert 1. aug. 2006 15:57 - Sist endret 31. aug. 2006 11:21