
Pensumliste for HIS 4601 R.

R. Krautheimer, Rome. Profile of a City, Princeton 1980, s. 1-42 (142 s.).

B. Ward-Perkins, From Classical Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages, Oxford 1984 (286 s.).

A Cameron, The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity, London-New York 1993 (243 s.).

W. Liebschuetz, The End of the Ancient City, i J. Rich (red.), The City in Late Antiquity, London-New York 1992, s. 1-49 (48 s.).

P. Dixon, ‘The Cities are not as populated as once they were’ i J. Rich (red.), The City in Late Antiquity, London-New York 1992, s. 145-160 (16 s.).

M. Salzman, The Christianization of sacred time and sacred space, i W. V. Harris (red.), The Transformations of Urbs Roma in Late Antiquity, Portsmouth, Rhode Island 1990 (JRA suppl. 33), s. 123-134 (10 s.).

N. Purcell, The populace in Rome in late antiquity: problems of classification and historical description, i W. V. Harris (red.), The Transformations of Urbs Roma in Late Antiquity, Portsmouth, Rhode Island 1990 (JRA suppl. 33), s. 135-161 (27 s.).

C. Cantino Wataghin, The ideology of Roman burials, i (G. P. Broglio & B. Ward-Perkins (red.), The Idea and Ideal of the Town between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Leiden 1999, s. 147-180 (34 s.).

B. Ward-Perkins, Re-using the architectural legacy of the past, i G. P. Broglio & B. Ward-Perkins (red.), The Idea and Ideal of the Town between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Leiden 1999, s. 225-244 (20 s.).

S. Sande, Old and new in Old and new Rome, i Institutum Romanum Norvegiae: Acta ad archaeologiam et atrium historiam pertinentia XVIII (2003), s. 101-114 (14 s.).

M. Edwards, Romanitas and the Church of Rome, i S. Swain & M. Edwards (red.), Approaching Late Antiquity, Oxford 2004, s. 187-210 (24 s.).

J. Curran, The Conversion of Rome Revisited, i R. Miles (red.), Ethnicity and Culture in Late Antiquity, London 2000, s. 1-14 (14 s.).

J. Heather, the Goths, Oxford 1998, s. 130-276 (146 s.).

I alt 1024 s.

Publisert 1. aug. 2006 15:54 - Sist endret 1. aug. 2006 15:56