
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
19.08.2003J. Hutchings  Seminarrom 1, Blindernveien 11  Introduction/welcome to module: Explanation of content + introduction to the principles and practice of conservation in a museum environment  Kl 14.15-16.00 
26.08.2003J. Hutchings   Seminarrom 1, Blindernveien 11   Introduction to why collections are preserved – The cost of collecting.  kl 14.15 - 16.00 
02.09.2003Dvd Meulen  St. Olavsgate 29  Why are objects collected? Heritage do we need it? Discussion +Visit to The National Gallery Oslo  Kl 14.15- 17.00 
09.09.2003C. Degrigny  Seminarrom 1, Blindernveien 11  An introduction to research and information gathering skills,  Kl 10.15- 12.00 
10.09.2003C. Degrigny  Semminarrom 1, Blindernveien 11  Introducing scientific sources, published papers and grey literature sources, how to critically review your sources and interpretation.  Kl 10.15-12.00 
10.09.2003C. Degrigny   Rom 241 i Helga Engs hus   Sources of information available when researching objects – seminar looking at literary source  Kl 14.15 - 16.00 
16.09.2003T Klokkernes, A Milnes  Fredriksgate 3  The physical evidence embodied within Material culture (cultural objects). Non-destructively collecting evidence to assist in the interpretation of museum objects. Visit to UKM Conservation Department with a seminar on gathering Information from objects – interpreting what you see.   Kl 14.15-17.00 
23.09.2003U Plahter, E Aastrup  Seminarrom 1, Blindernveien 11  The value of scientific and technical study of cultural objects  Kl 14.15-16.00 
30.09.2003J Hutchings  Seminarrom 1, Blindernveien 11  Threats to the physical integrity of museum collections - Balancing the use of collections against their preservation needs. What causes damage?  Kl 14.15-16.00 
21.10.2003J Hutchings  Seminarrom 1, Blindernveien 11  Threats to the physical integrity of museum collections - Balancing the use of collections against their preservation needs. What causes damage?  Kl 14.15-16.00 
28.10.2003Dvd Meulen  Seminarrom 1, Blindernveien 11  The use of cultural heritage objects. Balancing the different demands made on historic artefacts  Kl 14.15-16.00 
11.11.2003E Skaug  Seminarrom 1, Blindernveien 11  Conservation training and professional competence. + The students will form buzz groups of 3 to 4. Discuss what they have learnt and fill out feedback form on module for lecturers.  Kl 14.15-16.00 
Published Mar. 7, 2005 4:06 PM