Syllabus/achievement requirements


Articles that have a web-link are marked with (€). Note: Most journals can only be accessed via the University of Oslo’s network. Articles not available via a web-link are collected in a compendium that can be obtained from Akademika kopi-utsalg. These articles are marked with *


Students are encouraged to complete reading in advance of lectures. Complete reading list for each lecture can be found in the Fronter-rom for this course.


Book for purchase:

Caple, C. 2000. Conservation Skills. Judgement, Method and Decision making, London: Routledge.

NB. There are a few copies available in the library.


Unit 1: What is cultural heritage, why should it be preserved and who should preserve it?

(€) Ahmad, Y. 2006. ‘The scope and definitions of heritage. From tangible to Intangible’. International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3, May 2006, pp. 292–300. [Online] Accessible from (visited 19.04.2016).

(€) Lowenthal, D. 2005. Natural and Cultural heritage, in International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2005, pp. 81-92 ,  [Online] Accessible from (visited 7,04.2018).      

(€) Bruno, S. Steiner, F. and Steiner, L. (2011) World Heritage List: does it make sense? International Journal of Cultural Policy, 17:5, 555-573. [Online] Accessible from: (visited 19.04.2016).                                                                                            

*Warren, K.J.1989. ‘A philosophical perspective on the ethics and resolution of cultural properties issues’, in Messenger, P.M. (ed) The ethics of collecting cultural property: whose culture?whose property?, University of New Mexico Press, pp.1-25.


Unit 2: The nature and history of conservation.

(€) ICOM Committee for Conservation 1984. The Conservator-Restorer. A definition of the Profession  [Online] Accessible from: (visited 9.04.2018).

(€) Sloggett, R. 2014. ‘What is ‘conservation’? An examination of the continued relevance of ICOM-CC’s The Conservator-Restorer: a Definition of the Profession’, in J. Bridgland, (ed), ICOM-CC 17th triennial conference preprints, Melbourne, 15-19 September 2014. [Online] Accessible from: (visited 27.03.2018).

(€) Pey, E. and Sully, D. 2007. ‘Evolving challenges, developing skills’. in The Conservator, 30:1, [Online] Accessible from: (visited 20.04.2016).

*Keck, S. 1996. ‘Further Materials for a History of Conservation’, in N.S.  Price, M.K.Talley Jr and A.M. Vaccaro (eds), Readings in Conservation: Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, pp. 281-287.


Further reading

(€) Lewis, G.D. 2012. ‘The history of museums’, in Encyclopedia Britannica [Online] Accessible from (visited 7,03.2018).

(€) ENCoRE 2001. Clarification of Conservation/Restoration at University Level or Recognised Equivalent, 3rd General Assembly, 19-22 juni 2001 Munich, Germany, [Online] Accessible from , (visited 29.10.2009).



Unit 3: The meaning of Objects

*Pye, E. 2001. ‘Chapter 4: The meaning of objects’, in Caring for the past. Issues in Conservation for Archaeology and Museums, London: James and James, pp. 57-76.

(€) Pereira H.N. 2007. ‘Contemporary trends in conservation: culturalization, significance and sustainability’, in City & Time, 3 (2): 2. [Online] Accessible from : (visited 27.03.2018)

(€) Szmelter, I. 2013. ‘New values of cultural heritage and the need for a new paradigm regarding its care’, in CeROArt, [Online] Accessible from : (visited 20.04.2016).

(€) Gurian, E.H. 1999. ‘What is the object of this exercise? A meandering exploration of the many meanings of objects in museums’. in Humanities Research, Vol.8, No.1, pp. 25-36. [Online] Accessible from:  (visited 20.04.2016).

(€) McIntosh, W.D. and Schmeichel, B. 2004. ‘Collectors and collecting: A social psychological perspective’, in Leisure Sciences, 26:1, pp.85-97. [Online] Accessible from: (visited 27.03.2018).

*Pearce, S. 1995. ‘Collecting as medium and message’, in E. Hooper-Greenhill (ed), Museum, Media and Message, London: Routledge, pp.15-23.


Further reading

Pearce, S.M. (ed) 1994. Interpreting Objects and Collections, London and New York: Routledge. [Online] Accessible from:

(visited 27.03.2018).



Unit 4: Conservation ethics and theory

(€) Ashley-Smith, J. 2017. ‘A role for bespoke codes of ethics’, in ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference 2017 Copenhagen. [Online] Accessible from:.

(visited 27.03.2018).

Jean-Louis Luxen 2004. ‘Reflections on the use of heritage charters and conventions’, in GCI Newsletter, 19.2. [Online] Accessible from: (visited 27.03.2018).

De Roemer, S. 2016. ‘Conservation. How ethics work in practice’, in B.L.Murphy (ed) Museum, ethics and cultural heritage, Abingdon: Routledge,pp.  251-264.

(€) Allington-Jones, L. 2013. ‘The Phoenix: The role of conservation ethics in the development of St Pancras Railway Station (London, UK)’, in Journal of Conservation and Museums Studies, 11(1), p.Art.1. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 20.04.2016).

(€) Trusheim, L. 2011. ‘Balancing ethics and restoration in the conservation treatment of an 18th century seving box with tortoiseshell veneer’, in Objects Speciality Group Postprints, Volume eighteen, pp. 127-147. Accessible from: (visited 09.04.2016).


International Code of ethics:

(€)E.C.C.O. professional guidelines and code of ethics 1-4. [Online]. Accessible from:  (visited 27.03.2018).

(€)ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums.[Online]. Accessible from: (visited 27.03.2018

Main Charters:

(€) The Venice Charter, International charter for the conservation and restoration of monuments and sites, 1964, [Online]. Accessible from:, (visited 09.04.2013).

(€) The Burra Charter (The Australian ICOMOS Charter for the conservation of Places of Cultural Significance 2013. [Online]. Accessible from:, (visited 09.04.2018).

(€) The declaration of Dresden, Reconstruction of Monuments Destroyed by War , [Online]. Accessible from:, (visited 09.04.2013).

(€)The Nara document of authenticity, 1994 , [Online]. Accessible from:, (visited 09.04.2013).

(€) The declaration of San Antonio, 1996, [Online]. Accessible from:, (visited 09.04.2013).



Unit 5: Investigation and recording of objects

(€) Moore, M. 2001. ‘Conservation Documentation and the implications of digitisation’, in Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies, Issue 7. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 19.04.2012).

(€) Ianna, C. 2001. ‘Non-destructive techniques used in material conservation’, in 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Brisbane, Australia, 17-21 September. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 09.04.2013).

(€) Adriaens, A. 2005. ‘Non-destructive analysis and testing of museum objects: An overview of 5 years of research’, in Spectrochimica Acta, Part B 60, pp.1503-1516. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 09.04.2018).


Further reading and case studies

(€) Conservation Perspectives. The GCI Newsletter. Collections Research, spring 2010. [Online]. Accessible from:

 (visited 17.04.2012).

(€) The Unvarnished truth. Exploring the material history of paintings. McMaster Museum of Art

(€) 2008. Investigative conservation. Guidelines on how detailed examination of artefacts for archaeological sites can shed light on their manufacture and use. Swindon: English Heritage. (visited 27.03.2018).



Unit 6: Processes of conservation: Cleaning and Stabilization


(€) Koob, P. and Gué, L. 2012. ‘The conservation of two Baccarat crystal torchères at the Shangri La Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA’, in Studies in Conservation, 57:sup1, pp.173-180. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 27.03.2018).

(€) Arie, S. 2003. ‘Why dirty David needs a wash – or at least a dry clean’, in The Guardian International edition, [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 27.03.2018).

(€)  ‘Restoring Michelangelo’s David. Plans to clean masterpiece spark art world controvery’, in Arts & Life, August 11, 2003, [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 27.03.2018).



Unit 7: Processes of conservation: Restoration

Case studies

 (€) Stanley-Price, N. 2009. ‘The reconstruction of ruins: Principles and practice’, in A. Richmond, and A. Bracker (eds) Conservation: Principles, dilemmas and uncomfortable truths, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp.32-46. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 27.03.2018).

(€) Natali, A. 2008. ‘Some considerations on conservation and restoration in contemporary art’, in Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage, No. 8, pp. 187-196. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 27.03.2018).

Yasmine, J. 2008. ‘Beaufort Castle, Lebanon; conservation versus restoration project’, in D’Ayala and Fodde (eds) Structural analysis of historic construction, London: Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 1407-1414. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 06.04.2018).


Unit 8. Using collections. The balance between preservation and use.

(€) Pye, E. 2016. ‘Challenges of conservation: working objects’, in Science Museum Group Journal, Autumn 2016, Issue 06. [Online] Accessible from: [Online] (visited 27.03.2018).

(€) Lister, A. and Banks, J. 2008. ‘Unlimited access: safeguarding historic textiles on open display in public buildings in the UK’., in Studies in Conservation, 53: sup1. pp. 151-161. [Online] Accessible from: (visited 20.04.2016).

(€) Pye, E. 2010. ‘Collections mobility perspectives on conservation: Emphasis on the original object’, in S. Petterson, M. Hagedorn-Saupe, T. Jyrkkiö and A. Weij (eds.)  Encouraging collections mobility – A way forward for museums in Europe. Lending for Europe 21st Century. pp.136- 149. [Online] Accessible from: (visited 20.04.2016).

(€) Bancroft, A. 2012. ‘Preserving intangible integrity’, in V&A Conservation Journal, spring issue 2012, Issue 60. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 27.03.2018).

(€) Périer-D’Ieteren, C. 1998. ‘Tourism and conservation’. in Museum International, 50(4), Oxford: Blackwelll publishers, pp. 5-14, [Online]. Accessible from:, (visited 09.04.2013).



Unit 9: Introduction to preventive conservation and agents of deterioration

*Bradley, S. 1994. ’Chapter 6: Do objects have a finite lifetime?’, in S. J.Knell (ed), Care of Collections, London: Routledge, pp. 51-59.

(€) Lewin, J. 1992. ‘Preventive Conservation’. GCI Newsletter, 7 (1), pp.4-7, [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 08.04.2013).

(€) Lucchi, E. 2018. ‘Review of preventive conservation in museum buildings’, in Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 29, January-February 2018, pp. 180-193. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 27.03.2018).

*Michalski, S. 1994. ‘A systematic approach to preservation. Description and integration with other museum activities’, in R. Ashok and P. Smith (eds.)   Preventive Conservation. Practice Theory and research,

Preprints of the Contributions to the Ottawa Congress, 12-16 September, pp.8-11.

Pioneer air museum 2014. Museum preventative conservation 101: know your enemies—the agents of deterioration, [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 27.03.2018).

Case study

(€) Kaplan, E. 2005. ‘Integrating preventive conservation into a collections move and rehousing project at the national museum of the American Indian’, in Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Vol 44, Nr.3, 217-232, [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 08.04.2013).


Unit 10: Stewardship, an integral approach to responsible use of collections

(€) Ashley-Smith, J. 2002. ‘Sustainability and precaution – Part 1, in Conservation Journal, Spring, Issue 40. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 20.04.2016)

(€) Ashley-Smith, J. 2003. ‘Sustainability and precaution – Part 2 How precautionary should we be?’, in Conservation Journal, Spring, Issue 44. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 20.04.2016).

(€) De Silva, M. and Hendersen, J. 2011. ‘Sustainability in conservation practice’, in Journal of the Institute of Conservation, Volume 34, Issue 1, pp.5-15. [Online]. Accessible from: (visited 20.04.2016).

(€) Podany, Jerry 2009. ‘Sustainable Stewardship: Preventive conservation in a changing world’, Presentation at Sustainable Cultural Heritage, Washington DC,   [Online] Accessible from (visited 27.03.2018).

(€) Merriman, N. 2008.  ‘Museum collections and sustainability’, in Cultural Trends, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 3-21. [Online]. Accessible from:

(visited 27.03.2018).

*Avrami, E. 2009. ‘Heritage, Values, and Sustainability’, in A. Richmond and A. Bracker (eds), Conservation. Principles, Dilemmas and Uncomfortable Truths, Amsterdam: Butterworth and Heinemann, pp.177-183.


Published May 22, 2018 11:06 AM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2018 1:01 PM