
KONS2061 Understanding the indoor climate in museum galleries and archives.

Litterature spring 2019

The digital articles are freely available as pdf files via university networks (ie you have to sit on a University computer, UiO wireless network, or connected via VPN).

For pollutions the main text book is:

Hatchfield P.B. 2002. Pollutants in the museum environment. Practical stategies for problem solving in design, exhibition and storage, London: Archetype Publications.

For pests the main textbook is:

Pinniger, D. 2015. Integrated pest management in cultural heritage, Archetype Publications, London.


Lecture 1. Background reading

Collection environments, 2014. Conservation Perspectives The GCI Newsletter , Los Angelos: The Getty Conservation Institute, 29(2).  Online Available from: ( (visted 18.10.2018).

Lambert, Simon, 2014. The early history of preventive conservation in Great Britain and the United States (1850-1950), CeROArt, 9/2014, Online available from: ( (visted 18.10.2018).

Padfield, T., 1994. The role of standards and guidelines: Are they a substitute for understanding the problem or a protection against the consequences of ignorance? Durability and change: The science, responsibility and cost of sustaining cultural heritage. Ed. W.E. Krumbein et al., Chichester: John Wiley and sons, pp. 191-199. Available from: (visted 18.10.2018).

Environmental guidelines ICOM-CC and IIC Declaration. Available from: (visted 18.10.2018)


Lecture 2. Relative Humidity and temperature I - Definition of RH and T, Sources of T and RH and damage to objects by incorrect RH and T .

Michalski, S. 2018. Agent of deterioration: Incorrect Humidity. Government of Canada. Accessible from Online ( (visited 18.10.2018)

Michalski, S. 2018. Agent of deterioration: Temperature. Government of Canada. Accessible from Online (visited 18.10.2018)

Garry Thomson, 1986. Humidity I  in The museum environment, second edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, available online

Gratten, David and Michalski, Stefan. 2013. Environmental Guidelines for Museums, Canadian Conservation Institute, Online (


Lecture 3. Relative Humidity and Temperature III - Measuring RH and T, the psychrometric chart.

Cassar, M. og Hutchings, J.: Relative Humidity and Temperature Pattern Book, 2001. Museums & Galleries Commission. s. 4-40. Online (

Garry Thomson, 1986. Humidity II  in The museum environment, second edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, available online

Further reading:

Erhardt, D. og Mecklenburg, M. 1994. "Relative humidity re-examined" in Preventive conservation. Practice, theory & research, 12.-16. september 1994. IIC, Ottawa Congress. s. 32-38.

Michalski, S. 1993. Relative humidity: A Discussion of Correct/Incorrect Values,. ICOM Committee for Conservation. s. 624-629.

Brown, J. P.1994. "Hygrometic measurement in museums: calibration, accuracy, and the specification of relative humidity" in Preventive conservation. Practice, theory & research, 12. - 16. september 1994. IIC Ottawa Congress. s. 39-43.


Lecture 4. Relative Humidity and Temperature II - How to prevent or mitigate incorrect RH and T

Shinner, Jerry. 2007. Trends in microclimate control of museum display cases, in Museum Microclimates, Contributions to the conference in Copenhagen, 19-23 November 2007, pp.267-276. Accessible from Online (visited 19.10.2018).

Weintraub, Steven, 2002. Demystifying silica gel, Object Specialty Group Postprints (vol. 9), 2002. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation. Accessible from Online (visited 18.10.2019)

Melin, C.B. (2007) A presentation of a new experimental test method for humidity buffers- a comparison of two silica gels, Artsorb and Prosorb. In Museum microclimates: contributions to the Copenhagen conference, 19-23 November 2007. Padfield, Timothy; Borchersen, Karen; and Christensen, Mads Chr. (Editors). Nationalmuseet (Denmark), Copenhagen. Accessible from Online (visited 18.10.2018)


Lecture 5. Light I- Visible light, colour, light qualities and sources of light

Druzik, J. and Eshøj, B., 2007. 'Museum lighting: its past and future development', Contributions to the conference in Copenhagen 19-23 November 2007, pp. 51-56. Online

( (visited 18.10.2018).

Michalski, S. 2018. Agent of Deterioration: Light, Ultraviolet and Infrared. Until section: Deterioration by Light, UV, and IR. Canadian Conservation Institute. Government of Canada. Accessible form: (visited 18.10.2018).

Garry Thomson, 1986. Light I Colour rendering  in The museum environment, second edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 48-60 available online


Lecture 6. Light II- Light induced damage, control and preservation strategies

Michalski, S. 2018. Agent of Deterioration: Light, Ultraviolet and Infrared. From section: Deterioration by Light, UV, and IR. Canadian Conservation Institute. Government of Canada. Accessible form: (visited 18.10.2018).

Garry Thomson, 1986. Light I in The museum environment, second edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 2- 48 and 61-64 available online

Martin, G. Pretzel, B. and Umney, N. (1993) Preventive conservation in practice. In Conservation Journal, January 1993, Issue 06. Accessible from Online (visited 19.10.2018).


Further reading:

Bowers, L.V. 1993. Lighting Museum objects, Fiber optics at Friendship Hill. CRM, pp. 9-11. Accessible from Online (visited 18.10.2018).

Druzik, J. and Michalski, S. 2011. Guidelines for selecting solid-state lighting for museums, Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute and Los Angelos: Getty Conservation Institute. Accessible from Online ( (visited 18.10.2018).

Weintraub, S. 2010. Comments regarding LED’s and the risk to light sensitive material, The green Task Force, American Institute for Conservation, pp. 1-10. Accessible from Online (visited 19.10.2018).


Lecture 7. Pollution I Sources of Pollutants and Damage to materials

Hatchfield P.B. 2002. Pollutants in the museum environment. Practical strategies for problem solving in design, exhibition and storage, London: Archetype Publications. pp. 5-42.

Tétrault, J. Agent of Deterioration: Pollutants. Section on Airborne Pollutants. Canadian Conservation Institute. Government of Canada. Accessible form:  (visited 19.10.2018).


Lecture 8. Pollution II- Testing for pollutants and mitigation of pollutants

Hatchfield P.B. 2002. Pollutants in the museum environment. Practical strategies for problem solving in design, exhibition and storage, London: Archetype Publications. pp. 43-66.

Tétrault, J. Agent of Deterioration: Pollutants. Sections from Control strategies on Airborne Pollutants. Canadian Conservation  Institute. Government of Canada. Accessible from: (visited 19.10.2018).


Seminar 3.  Identification of dust particles

Lloyd, H., Bendix, C., Brimblecomb, P. and Thicket, D. 2007. Dust in historic libraries, in Museum Microclimates, Contributions to the Copenhagen conference 19-23 November 2207, Copenhagen: The National Museum of Danmark, 135-144. Online (

Lloyd, H. Grossi, C.M., Brimblecombe, P. 2011. ‘Low-technology dust monitoring for historic collections.’ In Journal of the Insitute of Conservation, Vol. 34, No.1, March 2011, 106-116. Online (


Lecture 9. Pests I – Introducing IPM. What are pests, how to identify, detect and monitor them and what damage can they do to objects

Pinniger, D. 2015. Chapter 1, 2, 3 and 6 in Integrated pest management in cultural heritage, Archetype Publications, London.

Strang, T. and Kigawa, R. 2009 Combatting Pests of Cultural Property, Technical Bulletin No. 29, Canadian Conservation Institute, pp 1-7. Accessible from  Government of Canada Online (visited 19.10.2018).


Lecture 10. Pests II – How to control pests, health and safety issues, IPM system, Climate change.

Pinniger, D. 2015. Chapter 4, 5 and 7 in Integrated pest management in cultural heritage,, Archetype Publications, London.

Strang, T. and Kigawa, R. 2009 Combatting Pests of Cultural Property, Technical Bulletin No. 29, Canadian Conservation Institute, pp 6-40. Accessible from  Government of Canada Online (visited 19.10.2018).

Brimbleconbe, P. and Lankester, P. 2013.  Long-term changes in climate and insect damage in historic houses, in Studies in Conservation, Vol. 58, no.1, pp. 13-22. Accessible from Online (visited 19.10.2018).

Xavier-Rowe, A.  and Lauder, D. 2011. Ten years of integrated pest management at English Heritage, in Integrated pest management for collections: proceedings of 2011: a pest odyssey, 10 years later. (Red.) Peter Pinniger , English Heritage, Swindon, United Kingdom, pp. 10-15. Accessible form Online (visited 19.10.2018)


Published Nov. 20, 2018 12:45 PM - Last modified May 15, 2019 8:58 PM