
Artikler merket * finnes i kompendium som fås kjøpt hos Akademika kopiutsalg.


Studenter bes å skaffe seg følgende bøker:

Caple, C. (red.) 2011. Preventive Conservation in Museums, Routledge, London and New York.

Pinniger, D. 2015. Integrated pest management in cultural heritage, Archetype Publications, London.

Rowntree, D. 2000. Statistics without tears: An introduction for Non-Matematicians, Penguin Group, London.



Forelesning 1.

Canadian Conservation Institute 2014. Preventive Conservation and Agents of Deterioration, [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).

*Cassar, M. 1997 (1995). Environmental Management. Guidelines for Museums and Galleries. Kap.4 Weather, buildings, and environmental design, Routledge, London and New York s.33-52.

*Cassar, M. 1995. Environmental management: zonation, building management and environmental conditioning, i Chris Caple (red.) Preventive Conservation in Museums, 2011,  Routledge, London and New York, kap.  27 s. 376-394.


Forelesning 2.

The heritage council and Institute for the Conservation of Historic  and Artistic Works of Art, 1999, Caring for collections, a manual of preventive conservation, The heritage council and Institute for the Conservation of Historic  and Artistic Works of Art, introduction and section 1, 3 and 4. [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).

*Keene, S. 2002(1996). Managing Conservation in museums. Kap.8  Preservation, Butterworth Heinemann, London, s.114-137.

Caple, C. 2000. Conservation Skills: preventive conservation-storage, i Chris Caple (red.) Preventive Conservation in Museums, 2011, Routledge, London and New York, kap.  5, s. 79-84.

*Tate, J. and Skinner, T. 1992. Storage systems, I Chris Caple (red.) Preventive Conservation in Museums, 2011, Routledge, London and New York, kap.  6 s. 85-97.

Dawson, A.A. (red) 2011. Benchmarks in collection care 2.0, Museums Libraries Archives Council, [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).

Standards in collection care, [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).


Forelesning 3

Rowntree, D. 2000. Statistics without tears: An introduction for Non-Matematicians, Penguin Group, London.

Excel 2013 training courses, videos and tutorials, tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).


Forelesning 4

Keene, S. 1991. Audits of care: a framework for collections condition surveys, I Norman, M . og Todd, V. (red.) Storage, Preprints for UKIC conference, Restoration ’91, UKIC, London, s.6-16 [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).

Keene, S. 1996. Collections condition, i Chris Caple (red.) Preventive Conservation in Museums, 2011,  Routledge, London and New York, kap.28,  s.395-412.

Heritage Collections Council, 2000, Collections surveys and condition reporting, in reCollections: caring for collections across Australia, Vol.4, Managing Collections, kap.5, Heritage Collections Council, Canberra, s.40-51. [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 14.04.2015).

Kingsley, H. og Payton, R. 1994. Condition surveying of large varied stored collections, i Chris Caple (red.) Preventive Conservation in Museums, 2011, Routledge, London and New York, kap.29, s.413-423.

Dollery, D. 1994. A method of preventive conservation for a large, expanding and mixed archaeological collection, i Chris Caple (red.) Preventive Conservation in Museums, 2011, Routledge, London and New York, kap.30,  s.420-429.

Taylor, J. og Stevenson, S. 1999. Investigating subjectivity within collection condition surveys, in Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol. 18, No. 1, ss. 19-42. [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).

Taylor, J. 2013. Causes and extent of variation in collection condition survey data. i Studies in Conservation, Volume 58, Issue 2, s.95-106. [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).


Forelesning 5

Michalsky, S. 2004. Care and preservation of collections, i Running a museum: A practical handbook, ICOM International Council of Museums, s. 51-89 [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).

Searls, D. 2007. Guide to managing historical societies. Developing a significant collection. Conservation of collections and collection management plans, Royal historical Society of Victoria, s. 1-18. [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).


Forelesning 6

Thickett, D. og Lee, L.R. 1996 (revidert 2004). Selection of materials for the storage or display of museum objects, The British Museum Occasional Paper, Number 11. [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).

Tétrault, J. 1994. Display materials: The good, the bad and the ugly, Exhibitions and Conservation. Pre-prints of the Conference held at The Royal College of Physicans, Edinburg. Ed. J. Sage, The Scottish Society for Conservation & Restoration (SSCR), Edinburg, 79-87. [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).

Tétreault, J. 1999. Coatings for Display and Storage in Museums, CCI Technical Bulletin no. 21. Canadian Conservation Institute. Ottawa 46. [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).

Tsukada, M 2012. A new strategy for assessing off-gassing from museum materials: Air sampling in Oddy test vessels, AIC News, Vol. 37, No. 1, American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, s.1, 3-7. [Online] tilgjengelig fra: (besøkt 10.04.2015).

Forelesning 7 og 8

Pinniger, D. 2015. Integrated pest management in cultural heritage, Archetype Publications, London.

Hillyer, L. og Blyth, V. 1994  i Chris Caple (red.) Preventive Conservation in Museums, 2011, Routledge, London and New York, kap.14, s. 197-214.

Quek, L.C., Razak, M. og Ballard, M.W. 1990.  i Chris Caple (red.) Preventive Conservation in Museums, 2011, Routledge, London and New York, kap.15, s.215-223.


Forelesning 9

Mecklenburg, M.F. 1991: Art in Transit: Studies in the transport of paintings. Preprints to the International Conference on the Packing and Transportation of Paintings September 9-11, 1991, London National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. Available from:

  • Costain, C. 1997: Scientific Rationale for Studies on Packing and Transportation of Paintings in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 19-23. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
  • Marcon, P.J. 1997c: Shock, Vibration, and the Shipping Environment in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 121-132. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
  • Mecklenburg, M. F. and Charles S. Tumusa An Introduction into the Mechanical Behavior of Paintings under Rapid Loading Conditions in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 137-172. National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.
  • Staniforth, S. 1997: Lending Paintings - The Conservator's View in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 335-342. National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.


Marcon, Paul 2011: Six steps to safe shipment. in Preventive Conservation in Museums, Edited by Chris Caple. pp. 63-78. Routhledge.  Available from CCI homepage:

Papadimitriou, Maria and Elpida Vamvakari 2008: Risk assessment during art loan and transportation at the Byzantine and Christian museum of Athens In Conservation and Access: Contributions to the 2008 IIC Congress, London, p.p.69-75. Available from:

Łukasz Lasyk, Michał Łukomski, Łukasz Bratasz and Roman Kozłowski 2008: Vibration as a hazard during the transportation of canvas paintings in Studies in Conservation Volume 53, Issue Supplement-1,pp. 64 – 68. Available from:

Saunders, David 1998: Monitoring Shock and Vibration during the Transportation of Paintings in National Gallery Technical Bulletin Volume 19. p.p. 64-73. Available from:

* Mengshoel, Karen, Liu, Mirjam, Moltubakk Kempton, Hanne & Tine Frøysaker, 2012: Moving monumental Munch: From listed building to temporary studio - and back again. In Moving Collections. Processes and Consequences. pp. 65-72. Archetype Publications Ltd.

* Braovac, Susan, Guro Hjulstad and Elin Storbekk 2012: Decitions about moving collections: where do conservators fit in? How can we contribute? in Moving Collections. Processes and Consequences. pp. 175-184. Archetype Publications Ltd.

* Esser, Karen 2012: Intern transport og håndtering af sårbare kunstværker med ubundet farve på papir in Moving Collections. Processes and Consequences. pp. 91-98. Archetype Publications Ltd.


Forelesning 10

Mecklenburg, M.F. 1991: Art in Transit: Studies in the transport of paintings. Preprints to the International Conference on the Packing and Transportation of Paintings September 9-11, 1991, London National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. Available from: :


  • Hackeny, S. and Timothy Green 1997: Packing Case Designs in Art in transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F. pp. 69-77. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
  • Erhardt, D. 1997: Art in Transit: Material considerations in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 25-35. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
  • Marcon, P.J. 1997a: A Circular Slide Rule for Protective Package Design in Art in Transit edited by Mecklengurg, M.F., pp. 93-106. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
  • Marcon, P.J. 1997b: Shock, Vibration, and Protective Package Design in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 107-120. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
  • Richard, M. 1997: Foam Cushioning Materials: Techniques for their proper Use in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 269-278. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
  • Richard, M. 1997b: Control of Temperature and Relative Hunidity in Packing Cases in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 279-297. National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.


Richard M., M. F. Mecklenburg and Ross Merrill 1991: Art in transit: a handbook for packing and transporting paintings. Preprints to the International Conference on the Packing and Transportation of Paintings September 9-11, 1991, London. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. Available from:

Marcon, Paul: Corner pads for double case packages. Available from CCI homepage:

Marcon, Paul 1993: Basic handling of paintings CCI Notes 10/13 Available from CCI homepage:

Marcon, Paul 1998: Wrapping a painting CCI Notes 10/16 Available from CCI homepage:

* Miles, Gwen 2011: , i Chris Caple (red.) Preventive Conservation in Museums, 2011, Routledge, London and New York, kap.3, s. 57-62.

* Carlsen. Mette 2012: Casing of sculptures and installations in Moving Collections. Processes and Consequences. pp. 81-90. Archetype Publications Ltd.




Publisert 1. juni 2015 16:47 - Sist endret 10. aug. 2015 12:54