

This is a preliminary reading list. Additional reading will be announced at the start of the course. Note that most of the reading for this course can be accessed via the internet. For a number of articles access can only be obtained via the University of Oslo’s network.


Valuing collections

Russell, Roslyn, Kylie Winkworth, (2010) Significance 2.0: a guide to assessing the significance of collections,  accessible from:

Te Papa National Services, (2001) Valuing collections,  accessible from:



Collection management


Stuart Davies, (1996) Producing a Forward Plan, London: The Museums and Galleries Commision, accessible from:

Forward planning: a toolkit accessible from:

Jaap van der Burg, (1996) The Delta Plan, the way it worked, transcript of paper for the ICOM CC meeting in Edinburgh, accessible from:

Kate Clark, (1998) Conservation Plans, a guide for the perplexed, accessible from:

Risk analysis and management

Jonathan Ashely Smith, (2001) “Practical uses of risk analysis”, in The Paper Conservator, 25:1, 59-63, accessible from: (via University of Oslo network)

Jonathan Ashley Smith, (2002) “Sustainability and precaution: Part 1”, in V&A Conservation Journal, Issue 40, accessible from:

Jonathan Ashley Smith, (2003) “Sustainability and precaution: Part 2 How precautionary should we be?”, in V&A Conservation Journal, Issue 44, accessible from:

Jonathan Ashley Smith, (2003) “Decision making Tool for the Sustainable Protection of Cultural Heritage: Bridging the gap between science and society: Part 2. Risk and regret in cost benefit analysis”, accessible from:

Robert Waller, (2002) “A risk model for collection preservation”, in The 13th Triennial Meeting Rio de Janeiro Preprints, Vol 1, 102-107, accessible from:

Agnes W. Brokerhof,  (2006) Collection Risk Management – The next Frontier, Presented at the CMA Cultural Property Protection Conference, Ottawa, 16 January 2006, accessible from:

Joel Taylor, “Distinguishing between the Map and the Territory: Synergy in Agent based Approaches to Risk Assessment,” Guest Edited by Robert Waller, “The International Symposium on Cultural Property Risk Analysis,” a focus issue of Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, 8:4 (Fall 2012), 297-306.


Joel Taylor, Nigel Blades and May Cassar, (2006) “Dependency Modelling for Cultural Heritage”, in proceedings of Safeguarded Cultural Heritage – Understanding & Viability for the Enlarged Europe, Prague May 31st-June 3rd, 2006, (Eds.) M. Dradcky and M. Chapuis, Prague: ITAM, pp. 51-59, accessible from:

Erica Avrami, Kathleen Dardes and Marta de la Torre, (1999) The Conservation Assessment: A Proposed Model for Evaluating Museum Environmental Management Needs, Getty Conservation Institute, accessible from:

Neal Putt and Sarah Slade, ( 2004) Teamwork for Preventive Conservation, Rome: ICCROM, accessible from:

Cost benefit analysis

May Cassar, (1998) Cost/Benefit Appraisals for Collection Care. A Practical Guid, London: The Museums & Galleries Commission, accessible from:


Disaster management

Valerie Dorge and  Sharon Jones,( 1999) Building an Emergency Plan, A Guide for Museums and Other Cultural Institutions. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, , accessible from

Dario Camuffo, “Perspectives on Risks to Architectural Heritage” in (Eds.) Baer, N. and Snethlage, R., Saving Our Architectural Heritage: The Conservation of Historic Stone Structures, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1997, pp. 63–92

Emergency response

Sarah Spafford, Ricci and Fiona Graham, (2000) “The Fire at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, Part 1: Salvage, Initial Response, and the Implications for Disaster Planning”, in Journal of  the American Institute of Conservation, Vol. 39, 15-36, accessible from:

Sarah Spafford, Ricci and Fiona Graham, (2000) “The Fire at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, Part 2: Removal of Soot from Artifacts and Recovery of the Building”, in Journal of the American Institute of Conservation, Vol. 39, 15-36, accessible from:

Jamie Ellis, (2005) “Lessons learned: the recovery of a research collection after hurricane Katrina”, Collection Building, Vol. 26 Iss:4, 108-111, accessible from:

Robert Howes, (2003) “After the disaster: drawing up the insurance claim”, Aslib Proceedings, Vol.55 Iss: 3, 181-187, accessible from:


Books/articles for more dedicated reading

Jonathan Ashley-Smith, (1999) Risk Assessment for Object Conservation, London: Butterworth-Heinemann.


R. Robert Waller Cultural Property Risk Analysis Model. Development and Application to Preventive Conservation at the Canadian Museum of Nature. Göteborg Studies in Conservation 13. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. ISBN 91-7346-475-9. (Especially chapter 4 pp 55-76)


Joel Taylor, (2005) “An Integrated Approach to Risk Assessment and Condition Surveys”, in Journal of the American Institute of Conservation, 44, 127-144, accessible from



Publisert 6. jan. 2014 15:40 - Sist endret 8. jan. 2014 09:46