Syllabus/achievement requirements

Selection of relevant texts. The syllabus requirements are being put out as soon as possible!

Ainsworth 2005 – ‘From Connoisseurship to Technical Art History: The Evolution of the Interdisciplinary Study of Art’. Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter 20(1), 2005

Art Newspaper 2008 – ‘Can past nuclear explosions help detect forgeries?’, The Art Newspaper 192, June 2008, p. 3.

Bomford, D., Dunkerton, J., Gordon, D., and Roy, A., Art in the Making: Italian Painting before 1400, National Gallery, London, 1989.

Bomford and Leonard 2004 – Bomford, D., and Leonard, M., Issues in the Conservation of Paintings, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 2004.

Bomford, D., Roy, A., and Smith, A., ‘The techniques of Dieric Bouts: two paintings contrasted’, National Gallery Technical Bulletin 10, 1986, pp. 39–57.

Burnstock et al. 1993 – Burnstock, A., Caldwell, M., and Odlyha, M., ‘A technical examination of surface deterioration of Stanley Spencer’s paintings at Sandham Memorial Chapel’ in 10th Triennial Meeting Washington, DC, USA, 22–27 August 1993 Preprints, ICOM-CC, Paris, 1993, pp. 231–238.

Campbell 1998 – Campbell, L., ‘Rogier van der Weyden. The Magdalen Reading’, in The Fifteenth Century Netherlandish Schools, National Gallery, London, 1998, pp. 392–406.

Campbell 1976 – Campbell, L., ‘The art market in the Southern Netherlands in the fifteenth century’, The Burlington Magazine 118, 1976, pp. 188-198.

Carlyle, L., The Artist’s Assistant: Oil Painting Instruction Manuals and Handbooks in Britain 1800–1900 with Reference to Selected Eighteenth-Century Sources, Archetype, London, 2001.

Carlyle, L., and Witlox, M., ‘Historically accurate reconstructions of artists’ oil painting materials’ /tateresearch/tatepapers/07spring/carlyle.htm. Tate Papers, Spring 2007,

Cook 2007 – Cook, R., ‘What, why and how? The technical examination of paintings explained’, in Idea to Object – Painting Practices Observed, eds. L. Sheldon, R. Cook, and N. Streeton, University College London, 2007, pp. 14–19.

Coremans 1952 (original) – Coremans, P., Gettens, R.J., and Thissen, J. ‘La technique des “Primitifs flamands”. Étude scientifique des matériaux, de lat structure et de la technique picturale. I. Introduction; II. Th. Bouts: Le Retable du Saint Sacrement (Louvain: Église Saint-Pierre); III. Van Eyck: L’Adoration de ‘Agneu Mystique (Gand: Cathédrale Saint-Bavon)’, Studies in Conservation 1 (1-4), 1952–1954, pp. 1-29.

Coremans 1952 (edited translation) – Coremans, P., ‘The technique of the “Flemish Primitives’”, in Issues in the Conservation of Paintings, eds. D. Bomford and M. Leonard, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 2004, pp. 194–206.

Dunkerton, J., ‘Modifications to traditional egg tempera techniques in fifteenth-century Italy’, in Early Italian Paintings: Techniques and Analysis. Symposium, Maastricht, 9–10 October 1996, eds. R. Hoppenbrouwers and H. Dubois, Limburg Conservation Institute, Maastricht, 1997, pp. 29–34.

Effmann 2006 – Effmann, E. ‘Theories about the Eyckian painting medium from the late-eighteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries’, Reviews in Conservation 7, 2006, pp. 17–26.

Faries, M., ‘Technical studies of early Netherlandish painting: a critical overview of recent developments’, in Recent Developments in the Technical Examination of Early Netherlandish Painting: Methodology, Limitations and Perspectives, eds. M. Faries and R. Spronk, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, and Brepols, Turnhout, 2003, pp. 1–38.

Faries, M., and Klein, P., ‘Panels and dendrochronology: works by Jan van Scorel and other masters in the Centraal Museum’s collection’. , n.d.,

Frøysaker, T., and Kollandsrund, K., ‘The Calvary group in Urnes Stave Church, Norway: a technological examination’, in Medieval Painting in Northern Europe. Techniques, Analysis, Art History. Studies in Commemoration of the 70th Birthday of Unn Plahter, ed. J. Nadolny, Archetype, London, pp. 43–58.

Gifford, E.M., ‘Van Eyck’s Washington Annunciation: Technical evidence for iconographic development’, The Art Bulletin 81, 1999, pp. 108–116.

Goldsmith, L., and Bucklow, S., ‘The Thornham Parva Retable: workshop practice in fourteenth-century English panel painting’, in Painting Techniques: History, Materials and Studio Practice. Contributions to the Dublin Conference, 7–11 September 1998, eds. A. Roy and P. Smith, International Institute for Conservation (IIC), London, 1998, pp. 40–44.

Grosch 1987 – Grosch, W., ‘Reactions of hydroperoxides – products of low molecular weight’, in Autoxidation of Unsaturated Lipids, ed. H.W.S. Chan, Academic Press [check publisher], London, 1987, pp. 95–139.

Heydenreich, G., Lucas Cranach the Elder. Painting Materials, Techniques and Workshop Practice, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2007.

Heydenreich, G., ‘…that you paint with wonderful speed’ Virtuosity and efficiency in the artistic practice of Lucas Cranach the Elder’/‘…dass Du mit wunderbarer Schnelligkeit malest’ Virtuosität und Effizienz in der künstlerischen Praxis Lucas Cranachs d.Ä.’, in Cranach der Älter, ed. B. Brinkman, (Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main, 23 November 2007–17 February 2008), Städel, Frankfurt, 2007, pp. 29–47.

Higgitt et al. 2003 – Higgitt, C., Spring, M., and Saunders, D., ‘Pigment-medium interactions in oil paint films containing red lead or lead-tin yellow’, National Gallery Technical Bulletin 24, 2003, pp. 75-95.

Higgitt and White 2005 – Higgitt, C., and White, R., ‘Analyses of paint media: new studies on Italian paintings of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries’, National Gallery Technical Bulletin 26, 2005, pp. 88–104.

Holman Hunt 1880 – Holman Hunt, W. ‘The present system of obtaining materials in use by artist painters, as compared with that of the Old Masters’, Journal of the Society of Arts, April 23, 1880, pp. 485–499.

‘Impact of oil’ 2007 – ‘The impact of oil: a history of oil painting in the Low Countries and its consequences for the visual arts, 1350–1550’, research proposal, J. Stumpel et al., Universities of Utrecht and Amsterdam, 2007.

Kirby, J., ‘The price of quality: factors influencing the cost of pigments during the Renaissance’, in Revaluing Renaissance Art, ed. G. Neher and R. Shepherd, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2000, pp. 19-42.

Kirby, J., ‘Trade in painters’ materials in sixteenth-century London’, in European Trade in Painters’ Materials to 1700, Courtauld Institute of Art and The National Gallery, London, symposium lecture, 12 February 2005 (to be published in Trade in Painters’ Materials: Markets and Commerce in Europe to 1700, eds. J. Kirby, S. Nash and J. Cannon, Archetype, London, forthcoming).

Kirby, J., and White, R., ‘The identification of red lake pigment dyestuffs and a discussion of their use’, National Gallery Technical Bulletin 17, 1996, pp. 56-80.

Kirby, J., Saunders, D., and Cupitt, J., ‘Colorants and colour change’, in Early Italian Paintings, Techniques and Analysis, Symposium, Maastricht, 9–10 October 1996, eds. T. Bakkenkist, R. Hoppenbrouwers and H. Dubois, Limburg Conservation Institute, Maastricht, 1997, pp. 65–71.

Klein, P., ‘An overview about dendrochronological analyses of panel paintings’, in Le Dessin sous-jacent dans la peinture, Colloque IX, eds. H. Verougstraete-Marcq and R. van Schoute, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, 1993, pp. 165–178.

Koller and Burmester 1990 – Koller, J., and Burmester, A., ‘Blanching of unvarnished modern paintings: a case study on a painting by Serge Poliakoff’, in Cleaning, Retouching and Coating. Preprints of the Contributions to the Brussel Congress, 3–7 September 1990, IIC, London, 1990; pp. 138–143.

Leonard, M., Preusser, F., Rothe, A., and Schilling, M., ‘Dieric Bouts’s ‘Annunciation’. Materials and techniques: a summary’, The Burlington Magazine 130(1024), 1988, pp. 517–522.

Lucas, A., and Plesters, J., ‘Titian’s “Bacchus and Ariadne”’, National Gallery Technical Bulletin 2(1), 1978, pp. 25–47.

Melia et al. 2006 – Melia, Jaana Loring, Nevin, Austin, Gautier, Gwénaëlle and Colombini, Maria Perla: Cypriot post-Byzantine wall paintings techniques and the discovery of mixed oxalates: Context and conservation implications; in: The Object in Context: Crossing Conservation Boundaries. Preprints of the Contributions to the Munich Congress, 28 August–1 September 2006, IIC London, 2006, p. 331.

Metzger, C.A., and Palmer, M., ‘The Washington Portrait of a Lady by Rogier van der Weyden reconsidered in light of recent investigations’, in Painting Techniques: History, Materials and Studio Practice. Contributions to the Dublin Conference, 7–11 September 1998, eds. A. Roy and P. Smith, IIC, London, 1998, pp. 94–97.

Middelkoop et al. 1998 – Middelkoop, Norbert, Noble, Petria, Wadum, Jørgen and Broos, Ben: Rembrandt under the scalpel. Mauritshuis, The Hague 1998.

Nadolny and Roy 2006 – Nadolny, J., and Roy, A., ‘The original technique of the Westminster Abbey portrait of Richard II’, in Medieval Painting in Northern Europe. Techniques, Analysis, Art History. Studies in Commemoration of the 70th Birthday of Unn Plahter, ed. J. Nadolny, Archetype, London, pp. 137–147.

Noble and Boon 2007 – Noble, Petria and Boon, Jaap B.: Metal soap degradation of oil paintings: Aggregates, increased transparency and efflorescence; in AIC Paintings Speciality Group Postprints, Vol. 19, AIC, Washington, D.C., 2007, pp. 1–15.

Panofsky 1953 – Panofsky, E., Early Netherlandish Painting: Its Origins and Character, 2 vols., Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1953.

Plahter 1999 – Plahter, U., ‘Baburen re-examined’, in Conservare Necesse Est. For Leif Einar Plahter on his 70th Birthday, IIC-Nordic Group, Norwegian Section, Oslo, 1999.

Sheldon 2007 – Sheldon, L., ‘The meaning of materials: physical structure of paintings’, in Idea to Object – Painting Practices Observed, eds. L. Sheldon, R. Cook, and N. Streeton, University College London, 2007, pp. 8–13.

Shimadzu et al. 2008 – Shimadzu, Y., Keune, K., van den Berg, K.J., Boon, J.J., and Townsend, J.H., ‘The effects of lead and zinc white saponification on surface appearance of paint’, in 15th Triennial Meeting New Delhi, India, 22–26 September 2008 Preprints, ICOM-CC Paris, 2008, pp. 626–632.

Spring and Higgitt 2006 – Spring, M., and Higgitt, C., ‘Analyses reconsidered: the importance of the pigment content of paint in the interpretation of the results of examination of binding media’, in Medieval Painting in Northern Europe. Techniques, Analysis, Art History. Studies in Commemoration of the 70th Birthday of Unn Plahter, ed. J. Nadolny, Archetype, London, 2006, pp. 223–229.

Streeton 2009 – Streeton, N.L.W., The Painting Technique of Jan van Eyck. Colour in Context, PhD thesis, Department of History of Art, University College London, 2010 (forthcoming).

Thompson 1956 – Thompson, D.V., The Materials and Techniques of Medieval Painting, Dover, New York, 1956 (original 1936).

Tucker, M., Passeri, I., Sutherland, K., and Price, B.A., ‘Technique and Pontormo’s Portrait of Alessandro de’ Medici’, in Pontormo, Bronzino, and the Medici. The Transformation of the Renaissance Portrait in Florence, ed. C.B. Strehlke, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, 2004, pp. 34–54.

van Asperen de Boer 1979 – van Asperen de Boer, J.R.J., ‘A scientific re-examination of the Ghent Altarpiece’, Oud Holland 93, 1979, pp. 141–214 (esp. pp. 141–146).

van Buren 1986 – van Buren, A.H., ‘Thoughts, old and new, on the sources of early Netherlandish painting’, Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art, 16(2/3), 1986, pp. 93–112.

van den Berg 2000 – van den Berg, K.J., ‘Copper green glazes’, Molart Progress Report, 2000, molart/Coppergrgl.html (accessed September 2008).

van der Weerd 2003 – van der Weerd, Jaap, Geldof, Muriel, van der Loeff, Luuk Struik, Heeren, Ron M.A. and Boon, Jaap J., ’Zinc soap aggregate formation in Falling Leaves (Les Alyscamps) by Vincent van Gogh’, Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, 17(3), 2003, pp. 407–416.

van Eikema Hommes, M., Changing Pictures. Discolouration in 15th-17th-Century Oil Paintings, Archetype, London, 2004.

van Loon 2008 – van Loon, A., ‘Color changes and chemical reactivity in seventeenth-century oil paintings’, MOLAB Reports 14, 2008.

van Os, H.W., ‘Introduction’, in La Pittura nel xiv e xv secolo il contributo dell’ analisi technical alla storia dell’arte (10–18 September 1979), eds. H.W. van Os and J.R.J. van Asperen de Boer, Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice, Bologna, 1983, pp. 1–6.

Wadum, J., ‘Historical overview of panel-making techniques in the northern countries’, in The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings. Proceedings of a Symposium at the J. Paul Getty Museum, 24–28 April 1995, eds. K. Dardes and A. Rothe, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 1998, pp. 149–177.

Wadum, J., Klein, P., Spaabæk, L., Stassinopoulos, S., Bisacca, G., Castelli, C., and Streeton, N., ‘History and use of panels or other rigid supports for easel paintings’, in Conservation of Easel Paintings, eds. J. Hill Stoner and R. Rushfield, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, forthcoming [draft text].

Wazny, T., and Eckstein, D., ‘Der Holzhandel von Danzig/Gdansk – Geschichte, Umfang und Reichweite’, Holz Roh- und Werkstoff 45, 1987, pp. 509–513.

White, R., and Kirby, J., ‘Some observations of the binder and dyestuff composition of glaze paints in early European panel paintings’, in Medieval Painting in Northern Europe. Techniques, Analysis, Art History. Studies in Commemoration of the 70th Birthday of Unn Plahter, ed. J. Nadolny, Archetype, London, pp. 215–222.

White, R., Pilc, J., and Kirby, J., ‘Analysis of paint media’, National Gallery Technical Bulletin 19, 1998, pp. 74-95.

Williams 1988 – Williams, S.R., ‘Blooms, blushes, transferred images and mouldy surfaces: What are these distracting accretions on art works?’, in Proceedings of the 14th Annual IIC-Canadian Group, publisher, 1988; pp. 65-84.

Woods 2007 – Woods, K.W., ‘Making Renaissance altarpieces’, in Making Renaissance Art, Yale University Press and Open University, New Haven and London, 2007, pp. 175–208.

Wrapson 2006 – Wrapson, L., ‘The materials and techniques of the c. 1307 Westminster Abbey Sedilia’, in Medieval Painting in Northern Europe. Techniques, Analysis, Art History. Studies in Commemoration of the 70th Birthday of Unn Plahter, ed. J. Nadolny, Archetype, London, pp. 114–136.

Publisert 13. okt. 2009 14:49 - Sist endret 2. des. 2009 13:46