

Peer Gynt (1867)

Et dukkehjem (1879)

Gengangere (1881)

En folkefiende (1882)


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Forestillinger/adaptasjoner/filmer i opptak (alle filmer vises før undervisningen)

Peer Gynts Wanderjahre und Tod (Tyskland, 1919)

Jaws (USA, 1975). Tilgjengelig f.eks. på YouTube (betalingsløsning, 49,- NOK)

Sara (Iran, 1993)

A Doll’s House (Kina, 1998)

Gatas Gynt (Norge, 2008)

Ein Volksfeind (Tyskland, 2008)

Hemmeligheten bak “Peer Gynt” (Norge, 2017). Gratis tilgjengelig på NRK


Teoretiske artikler og annen sekundærlitteratur

Noe tilgjengelig elektronisk, noe i kompendium.

Kompendium kan kjøpes hos Akademika.


Bøker som kan kjøpes på Akademika

Figueiredo, Ivo de. 2006. Slipp meg: En bok om Henrik Ibsen. Oslo: Aschehoug.


I kompendium

Bourdieu, Pierre. 1996. The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 141–173.

Chen, Xiaomei. 2002. Occidentalism: A Theory of Counter-discourse in post-Mao China. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 1–22.

Dyrendal, Asbjørn og Terje Emberland. 2019. Hva er konspirasjonsteorier. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 15–39.

Eisner, Lotte. 1969. The Haunted Screen: Expressionism in the    German Cinema and the Influence of Max Reinhardt. London:      Thames and Hudson, 9–17, 39–57.

Fischer-Lichte, Erika. 1996. “Interculturalism in Contemporary Theatre”. I Patrice Pavis (red.), The Intercultural Performance Reader. London: Routledge, 27–40.

Hanssen, Jens-Morten. 2018. Ibsen on the German Stage 1876-1918. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 197–227

Hutcheon, Linda. 2013. “Beginning to Theorize Adaptation: What? Who? Why? How? Where? When?” Kap. 1 in A Theory of Adaptation. London: Routledge, 1–32

Lien, Marius. 2012. “Mysterier”. Morgenbladet, 20–26 april, 38–40.

Moretti, Franco. 2013. The Bourgeois: Between History and Literature. London: Verso, 169–187.

Ruthven, K.K. 2001. Faking Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1–4, 34–62.


Blir gjort tilgjengelig eller tilgjengelig elektronisk

(det kan være at noen av disse artiklene kun er tilgjengelige mens du er koblet til UiOs nettverk)


Druta, Gianina. 2019. Ibsen at the Theatrical Crossroads of Europe: A Performance History of Henrik Ibsen’s plays on the Romanian stages (1894–1947), 259–292. 

Habermas, Jürgen. 2008. “Notes on Post-Secular Society”. New Perspectives Quarterly 25 (IV), 17–29. (

Hanssen, Eirik Frisvold. 2017. “Silent Ghosts on the Screen: Adapting Ibsen in the 1910s.” I The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies. New York, Oxford University Press, 154–178.


Helland, Frode. 2015. Ibsen in Practice: Relational Readings of Performance, Cultural Encounters and Power. London: Bloomsbury, Kap. 1, 3 og 4. (

Hoberman, J. 2004. “‘Nashvilleʼ contra ‘Jawsʼ: Or ‘The Imagination of Disasterʼ Revisited.” I The Last Great American Picture Show: New Hollywood Cinema in the 1970s, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 195–222. (

Holledge, Julie et al. 2016. A Global Doll’s House: Ibsen and Distant Visions. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 71–105. (

Holledge, Julie og Joanne Tompkins. (2000). Women's Intercultural Performance. London: Routledge, p.151–175. (

Nye, Joseph S. 2008. “Public Diplomacy and Soft Power”. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 616, 94–109. (

Oxfeldt, Elisabeth. 2008. “Postmodern Pedagogy and Henrik Ibsen: Word and Image in Ivo de Figueiredo's Slipp meg (Let me go).” I Peace, Democratisation and Reconciliation in Textbooks and Educational Media. Oslo: Hogskolen Norway. 92–99. (

Petley, Julian. 1985. "Censorship." Broadcast (Archive: 1973–2000): 26–27.


Rees, Ellen. 2015. “Post-Secular Salvation. Hallvard Bræin’s Gatas Gynt”. Nordlit 34, 371–378. (

---. 2019. “Peer Gynt: The Missing Years.” Forthcoming.

Werner, Michael og Bénédicte Zimmermann. 2006. “Beyond Comparison: Histoire Croisée and the Challenge of Reflexivity.” History and Theory 45 (1), 30–50. (

Xia, Liyang. 2018. “A Myth that Glorifies: Rethinking Ibsen’s Early Reception in China”. Ibsen Studies 18 (II), 141–168. ( )


Publisert 9. juni 2020 13:48 - Sist endret 9. juni 2020 13:48