

Bibliografi till de viktigaste av exkursionerna besökta orter

Denna bibliografi är tematiskt uppställd. Inom var avdelning är böckerna rankade både på måttet ‘allmän – specialiserad’ och ‘bästa inledning – även läsbar’.

Grekisk bronsålder, allmänt

Cline, Eric H. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean, Oxford 2012.

Shelmerdine, Cynthia W. (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Aegean Bronze Age, Cambridge 2008.

Chadwick, John, The Mycenaean World, Cambridge 1976.

Dickinson, O.T.P.K., The Aegean Bronze Age, Cambridge 1994.

Galaty, Michael L., Parkinson, William A. (eds), Rethinking Mycenaean Palaces. New Interpretations of an Old Idea, Los Angeles 1999 [även i nyare, utvidgad utgåva].

Wright, James C. (ed.), The Mycenaean Feast, Princeton 2004 [= Hesperia 73:2].



Mylonas, George E., Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age, Princeton 1966.

Mylonas, George E., Mycenae Rich in Gold, Athens 1983.

Iakovidis, Spyros E., Late Helladic Citadels on Mainland Greece, Leiden 1983.

French, Elizabeth, Mycenae. Agamemnon’s Capital. The Site in its Setting, Stroud 2002.

Moore, A.D., Taylour, W.D., Well-Built Mycenae. Fasc. 10 The Temple Complex, Oxford 1999.


Klassiska utgrävningar

Pausanias, Guide to Greece. I. Central Greece, (transl. Peter Levi) Harmondsworth 1971.

Pausanias, Guide to Greece. II. Southern Greece, (transl. Peter Levi) Harmondsworth 1971.

Andersen, Øivind, Eide, Tormod (eds), I Hellas med Pausanias, Bergen 1992.

Alcock, Susan E., Cherry, John F., Elsner, Jás (eds), Pausanias. Travel and Memory in Roman Greece, Oxford 2001.


Grekisk arkitektur, allmänt

Dinsmoor, William Bell, The Architecture of Ancient Greece, New York 1975.

Robertson, D.S., Greek and Roman Architecture, Cambridge 1943.

Lawrence, A.W., Greek Architecture, [ort] 1973.

Wycherley, R.E., How the Greeks Built Cities, New York 1962.

Coulton, J.J., Greek Architects at Work. Problems of Structure and Design, London 1977.

Gruben, Gottfried, Griechische Tempel und Heiligtümer, München 2001.


Pediment skulptur

Boardman, John, Greek Sculpture. The Archaic Period, London 1978.

Boardman, John, Greek Sculpture. The Classical Period, London 1985.

Boardman, John, Greek Sculpture. The Late Classical Period, London 1995.

Stewart, Andrew, Greek Sculpture. An Exploration (2 vols), New Haven 1990.

Fuchs, Werner, Die Skulptur der Griechen, München 1993.

Knell, Heiner, Mythos und Polis. Bildprogramme griechischer Bauskulptur, Darmstadt 1998.


Athen, allmänt

Camp, John M., The Archaeology of Athens, New Haven 2001.

Travlos, John, Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens, New York 1971.

Boersma, J., Athenian Building Policy from 561/0 to 405/4 BC, Groningen 1970.



Hurwit, Jeffrey H., The Acropolis in the Age of Pericles, Cambridge 2004.

Hurwit, Jeffrey H., The Athenian Acropolis: History, Mythology, and Archaeology from the Neolithic Era to the Present, Cambridge 1999.

Beard, Mary, The Parthenon, London 2002.

Pantermalis, Dimitrios, Eleutheratou, Stamatia, Vlassopoulou, Khristina, The Akropolis Museum. Guide, Athens 2014. [Den nya guide-boken till det nya museet.]

Neils, Jennifer, The Parthenon Frieze, Cambridge 2001.

Lapatin, K.D.S., Chryselephantine Statuary in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Oxford 2001.

Harris, D., The Treasures of the Parthenon and Erechtheion, Oxford 1995.



Camp, John M., The Athenian Agora. Excavations in the Heart of Classical Athens, London 1986.

Thompson, Homer A., Wycherley, R.E., The Agora of Athens. The History, Shape and Uses of an Ancient City Center, The Athenian Agora vol. XIV, Princeton 1972.

Boegehold, Alan L., The Lawcourts of Athens. Sites, Buildings, Equipment, Procedure, and Testimonia. The Athenian Agora vol. XXVIII, Princeton 1995.



[Fransk utgrävning. Preliminära och slutgiltiga publikationer på franska.]

Fouilles de Delphes, Paris

Bommelaer, Jean-François, Guide de Delphes. Le site, Athens 1991.

Picard, Olivier, Guide de Delphes. Le musée, Athens 1991.

Maass, Michael, Das antike Delphi. Orakel, Schätze und Monumente, Darmstadt 1993.

Fontenrose, J. The Delphic Oracle, Berkeley 1959.

Parke, H.W., Wormell, D.E.W., The Delphic Oracle I-II, Oxford 1956.

Morgan, C., Athletes and Oracles. The Transformation of Olympia and Delphi in the Eighth Century B.C., Cambridge 1990.

Bowden, Hugh, Classical Athens and the Delphic Oracle. Divination and Democracy, Cambridge 2005.

Forrest, W.G., “The First Sacred War”, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 80, 1956, 33-52.

Forrest, W.G., “Colonisation and the rise of Delphi”, Historia 6, 1957, 160-175.




[Tysk utgrävning. Preliminära och slutgiltiga publikationer på tyska.]

Curtius, Ernst, Adler, Friedrich (eds), Olympia, die Ergebnisse der vom Deutschen Reich veranstalteten Ausgrabung, 5 vol., Berlin 1890-1897.

Berichte über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia, Berlin 1937-

Kunze, E., Schleif, H. (eds), Olympische Forschungen, Berlin 1944-

Mallwitz, A., Olympia und seine Bauten, München 1972.

Morgan, C., Athletes and Oracles. The Transformation of Olympia and Delphi in the Eighth Century B.C., Cambridge 1990.

Publisert 30. des. 2014 13:14 - Sist endret 12. jan. 2015 14:25