Course content

Exphil provides an introduction to basic philosophical questions about knowledge and ethics. The course consists of three main parts, corresponding to the three themes: knowing, being and doing. Part one concerns knowledge, especially what it means to have scientific knowledge. Part two addresses questions about reality, and what we can have knowledge of. Part three deals with morality: what has value, how we should act, and how we can have knowledge about this.

Exphil highlights contributions from the history of philosophy and science that are particularly suitable for illuminating the basis of scientific thinking and the philosophical assumptions of science. Theories of normative ethics and questions in metaethics and applied ethics are addressed. Ethical dilemmas related to human existence, questions about the legitimacy of the state, and what constitutes a cultural community of values are discussed. Students are introduced to topics that provide tools for understanding and contextualizing challenges that arise in all fields of study. In addition to perspectives from classical and contemporary thinkers, the central themes are also examined in the light of a gender and environmental perspective.

In all three parts, the syllabus is presented through original texts and introductory texts.

Both a self-study variant and a seminar variant of the course are offered. These variants are offered in both Norwegian and English. Read more under "Learning outcome".

Learning outcome

Through studies of the texts, the students will gain an understanding of key issues among thinkers in the philosophy and science tradition, especially in connection with science, cognition, and ethics. This provides a basis for reflecting on theoretical and ethical problems that may be encountered in a university context and in society in general. The purpose is to develop students` ability to relate reflectively to the knowledge and the sciences today.

For all parts of the syllabus, students must:

  • be able to recognize, compare and discuss different positions within the different areas that are addressed
  • be able to identify points of view, arguments, and structures in a scientific text
  • demonstrate skills in structuring the material and presenting writing in accordance with regular academic standards and citation practices

Admission to the course

Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.

Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.

A good ability to read and understand English is required for this course.

Overlapping courses

  • 10 credits overlap with FOFI.
  • 10 credits overlap with EXPH.
  • 10 credits overlap with EXPHIL.
  • 10 credits overlap with EXPHIL96.
  • 10 credits overlap with EXPHIL96.
  • 10 credits overlap with EXPHIL96E.
  • 10 credits overlap with EXPHIL96E.
  • 10 credits overlap with EXPHIL96S.
  • 10 credits overlap with EXPHIL96S.
  • 10 credits overlap with EXPHIL03E – Examen philosophicum - English option (discontinued).


The two variants, the seminar variant and the self-study variant, are different in terms of tuition activities. Please read carefully through the information below before signing up for one of them in Studentweb. You can choose between teaching in Norwegian or English in both the seminars (only in the seminar variant), and the lectures. 

Seminar variant

Obligatory tuition activity: 

  • There is obligatory attendance in four of the six first seminars. Valid absence is not permitted under any circumstances. If do not meet the required attendance, you will be transferred to the self-study variant.

  • Two obligatory assignments throughout the semester. Both assignments must be approved by the teacher. See more information about the compulsory assignments

Both attendance and the obligatory assignments must be approved in order to take the exam in the seminar variant. If these are not approved, you will be transferred to the self-study variant. In the event of illness, the same rules apply as regarding non-attendance at an examination. If you are prevented from handing in an assignment, we ask you to contact us before the deadline. More information about compulsory activities at HF.

Seminar teaching: 

  • Seven classes. Seminar teaching every second week.

  • Make sure that the seminar group you sign up for does not collide with your schedule. 

  • If needed, it is possible to change seminar group within certain deadlines around the start of the semester. See the information about changing the seminar group. 


  • There are a total of 20 lectures. Lectures are held twice each week. 

  • The lectures are open to all.

  • Attendance is voluntary but highly recommended.


Self-study variant


  • There are a total of 20 lectures. Lectures are held twice each week.  

  • The lectures are open to all.

  • Attendance is voluntary but highly recommended.

No obligatory activities. 


The two variants, the seminar variant and the self-study variant, are different in terms of examination. Please read carefully through the information below before signing up for one of them in Studentweb.

Seminar variant

If you sign up for the seminar variant, you must also sign up for this form of examination:

  • 2,5 hour home exam in Inspera where you: i) upload a revised version of the second obligatory assignment; and ii) answer exam questions. To have a final pass grade on the course, you must both upload the assignment and answer exam questions.
  • You are permitted to use utilities such as preprepared notes or the textbook during the exam. 
  • You can only take this form of exam if you have attended the required amount of seminars and the two obligatory assigments were approved by the seminar teacher. If either of these are not approved, you will be transferred to the exam in the self-study variant.  

For preparation, see assignments previously given for the two hour home examination.


Self-study variant

If you sign up for the self-study variant, you must also sign up for this form of examination:

  • Four hour school exam in Silurveien. 
  • You are not permitted to use utilities such as pre-prepared notes or textbooks during the exam.

For preparation, see assigments previously given for the self-study variant exam

Language of examination

You may write your examination paper in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.

Grade guide for the seminar variant.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 10:17:36 AM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Spring and autumn
Teaching languages
  • English
  • Norwegian