
Herodotus: Solon and Chroesus: Link


Plato: Republic, II, 357 A-368 A; IV, 336 A-445 E; IX, 571 A-592 B: Link

(Go to Greek and Roman materials). Also in Curd, Cohen and Reeve (CCR)


Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, books I. and X. Available at: Link

Also in CCR.


Epicurus and Epicureans: Letter to Menoeceus, Principal Doctrines, Vatican sayings, Cicero:

About the Ends of Goods and Evils, Book I (De Finibus, Bonorum et Malorum, Liber Primus), Lucretius: On the Nature of Things

(De Rerum Natura) III. 800ff. All at: Link


Stoics and Plotinus: Cicero: On Ends book III (De finibus bonorum et malorum) at: Link

Epictetus: Enchiridion (Handbook)

Seneca, Letter 32: Link


Plotinus. Ennead I.5 Link (1st  Ennead, 2nd tractate).



Publisert 13. mai 2014 11:03 - Sist endret 23. mai 2014 11:19