
Requited Readings

The seminar is based on student presentation and class discussion. Participants must present material and should be prepared to participate in class discussion. We focus on two central topics in contemporary philosophy of language:

The semantics and pragmatics of metalinguistic representations (the reading will be from the book Language Turned on Itself (by Herman Cappelen and Ernie Lepore, forthcoming on Oxford University Press)). The second half of the class is about the nature of assertion.

1. Cappelen / Lepore: Language Turned on Itself (chapters 1-4)

2. Cappelen / Lepore: Language Turned on Itself (chapters 5-9), (Torfinn)

3. Cappelen/Lepore : Language Turned on Itself (Chapters 10-13) ???

4. Peter Pagin: Assertion, (Kristin, Marianne)

5. Tim Williamson, Knowing and asserting (you can access this article through JStore if you are at an UiO computer), (Heine, Stein)

6. Soames The Gap Between Meaning and Assertion. (Maja, Anders)

7. Brandom: on assertion, tba, MacFarlane: on assertion, tba

Publisert 25. okt. 2005 12:22 - Sist endret 17. mars 2006 10:50