
Sensations as Grounds of Empirical Knowledge and Aesthetic Experience

For purposes of introduction, see the “Introduction” by Tim Crane and the texts by Edward Craig and Wolfgang Kuenne as well as the articles on “perception” and “bodily sensation” in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Part 1: Perceptions and Sensations

Crane, Tim, “Introduction”. In: Tim Crane (ed.), The Contents of Experience. Essays on Perception. Cambridge 1992 (CUP), p. 1 – 17.

Craig, Edward, The Mind of God and the Works of Man (Chap. 1), Oxford 1987 (Clarendon Press).

Berkeley, George, “An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision”. In: George, Berkeley, Philosophical Works, including the works on vision. Introduction and notes by M. R. Ayers, London 1975 (Everyman’s Library)

Reid, Thomas, An Inquiry into the Human Mind, on the Principles of Common Sense (1764), selected passages.

Yolton, John W., Perceptual Acquaintance From Descartes to Reid, Oxford 1984 (Blackwell).

Crane, Tim, “The nonconceptual content of experience”. In: Tim Crane (ed.), The Contents of Experience. Essays on Perception. Cambridge 1992 (CUP), p. 136 – 157.

Martin, Mike, “Sight and Touch”. In: Tim Crane (ed.), The Contents of Experience. Essays on Perception. Cambridge 1992 (CUP), p. 196 – 215.

O’Shaugnassy, Brian, “The Sense of Touch”. In: Australian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 67, 1989, p. 37 – 58.

Part 2: Aesthetics

Wolfgang Kuenne, Conceptions of Truth (p. 104 – 107), Oxford 2003 (Clarendon Press).

Plato, “Symposium” (198a – 212c), “Phaedrus” (246a – 257b), “Republic” (514a – 520a). In: Plato, Complete Works, Ed., with Introduction and Notes, by John M. Cooper, Indianapolis / Cambridge 1997 (Hackett).

Plotinus, Ennead V, 8, 1-13. Translated by A.H. Armstrong. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1984.

Reid, Thomas, “Of Taste”. In Thomas Reid, Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man (1785).

Kant, Immanuel, Critique of Pure Reason, A19/B 33 – A22/B36 and A50/B74 – A55/B79.

Kant, Immanuel, Critique of the Power of Judgment, §§ 1-8, 32-34, 43-50.

Heidegger, Martin, “The origin of the Work of Art”. In: Martin Heidegger, Poetry, language, thought, translations and introduction by Albert Hofstadter, New York 1971 ( Harper & Row).

Published Apr. 24, 2006 8:03 PM - Last modified June 27, 2006 5:49 PM