
Leselisten er retningsgivende for kunnskapen som studenten forventes å tilegne seg i løpet av studiet


Appleby, Hunt, Jacob, Telling the Truth about History, NY/London 1994, ca 300 s.

Koselleck, Reinhart: Futures Past. On the Semantics of Historical Time, Cambridge, Mass. 1985, s. vii-54, s. 92-115, s. 130-158, s. 231-288, caa 190 s.

Skinner, Quentin: Visions of Politics I, Regarding Method, kap. 1-3. 56 s.

Tekst- og fortolkningsteori

# Collingwood, R.G.: An Autobiography, London 1967. chap. V. “Question and Answer”. 14 s.

Gadamer, Hans Georg: Truth and Method. London 1975/1989, s. 1-101, s. 265-381. 216 s. # Jauss, Hans Robert: "B. A Questioning Adam: On the history of the Functions of Question and Answer” i Hays, Michael (red); Theory and History of Literature. Question and Answer: Forms of Dialogic Understanding, 68, Minneapolis 1989, s. 51-95 og 240-246, 60 s.

# Hirsch, E.D.: The Aims of Interpretation, Chicago 1976, Part One, s. 1-92. 92 s.

Skinner, Quentin: Visions of Politics I, Regarding Method, Cambridge 2002, kap. 5-10, 98 s.

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Publisert 2. apr. 2009 14:25 - Sist endret 28. mai 2009 11:37