
I tillegg til fellespensum, består pensumlisten av min. 200 sider som velges av studentene selv i forbindelse med semesteroppgaven.

D’Alleva, Roskill og Steinberg bør snarest kjøpes av studentene på Akademika. Bøkene bestilt på Akademika 27.04.07.

De andre tekstene finner man i kompendium som bør kjøpes fra UniPub/Akademika før avreise. NB! Alle bør lese hele pensum før avreise.

Evt. andre fellespensumtekster (bl.a. artiklene valgt av studentene i forbindelse med semesteroppgaver) vil være tilgjengelig på DNIR utlån/kopiering.

Obligatorisk fellespensum

Anne D’Alleva: Methods & Theories of Art History, 2005. London. ISBN: 172 sider.

Edgar Wind: Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, 1958/1968. New York. artikkel: “Botticelli`s Primavera” 113-127 (14 s.).

E.H. Gombrich: Symbolic Images, 1972/1978. Phaidon . “Botticelli`s Mythologies: A Study in Neo-Platonic Symbolism of his Circle” 31-81. (50 s.) “Aims and Limits of Iconology”, i Symbolic Images, 1-25. (25 s.).

Erwin Panofsky: Meaning and the Visual Arts, 1970 (eller senere). London. “Iconography and Iconology: An introduction to the Study of Renaissance Art” s. 51-81. (30 s.) “The History of the Theory of Human Proportions as a Reflection of the History of Styles” s. 82-138. (56 s.).

Mary Ann Graeve: The Art Bulletin, vol. 40 (1958). “The Stone of Unction in Caravaggio`s Painting for the Chiesa Nuova”, 223-238. (15 s.).

Georgia Wright: The Art Bulletin, , vol. 60 (1978). “Caravaggio`s Entombment Considered in Situ”, 35-42. (7 s.).

Michael Ann Holly: Panofsky and the Foundations of Art History, 1984. Ithaca: Cornell . s. 158-193 (35 s.).

Michael Podro: The Critical Historians of Art, 1982. New Haven: Yale . s. 152-217 (65 s.).

Roskill, Mark W.: The interpretation of pictures, 1989. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press . (124 s.).

Brendan Cassidy (ed.): Iconography at the Crossroads. Papers from the Colloquium sponsored by the Index of Christian Art, Princeton University, 23-24 March 1990, 1993. Princeton. (243 s.) Følgende artikler: Brendan Cassidy: “Introduction: Iconography, Texts, and Audiences”, s. 3-16 Michael Ann Holly: “Unwriting Iconology”, s. 17-26 Keith Moxey: “The Politics of Iconology”, s. 27-32 Irving Lavin: Iconography as a Humanistic Discipline (“Iconography at the Crossroads”), s. 33-42 Richard C. Trexler: “Gendering Jesus Crucified”, s. 107-120 (tilsammen: 52 s.).

Maginnis, H.B.S.: Art History, 1990. “The Role of Perceptual Learning in Connoisseurship: Morelli, Berenson, and Beyond”, s. 104 - 117 (10 s.).

Offner, Richard: A Discerning Eye: Essays on Early Italian Painting, 1998. University of Pennsylvania State University Press . ISBN: ISBN-10: 0271017473. Offner, Richard.: “An outline of a theory of method”s. 127-136. .

Stubblebine, J.H.: Giotto: The Arena Chapel Frescoes, 1969. London. Offner, R.: “Giotto, Non-Giotto”, s. 136 – 155. (20 s.).

Mark A.Cheetham, Michael Ann Holly, Keith Moxey (eds.): The Subjects of Art History. Historical Objects in Contemporary Perspectives, 1998. Cambridge University Press. Kemp, W.: “The Work of Art and Its Beholder (180-96) 15s (tysk utgave i kompendium: Kemp, Wolfgang: “Kunstwerk und Betrachter: Der rezeptionsästhetische Ansatz”, i: Belting, H. m.fl. (red.): Kunstgeschichte. Eine Einführung, Berlin: Dietrich Riemer Verlag 1988, s. 240-257).

Fried, M.: Absorption and Theatricality, Chicago, 1982 og senere utgv s.1-5; 180-182. (7 s).

Lindberg, A. L., red.: Konst, kön och blick: Feministiska bildanalyser från renässans til postmodernism, Stockholm: Norstedts, 1995, . G. Pollock. “Det moderna och kvinnlighetens rum” 165-210 (40s).

Getty: The Renewal of Pagan Antiquity. Contributions to the Cultural History of European Renaissance, 1999. Warburg, Aby. ”Francesco Sassetti`s Last Injunctions” (s.222-262,452-66). (50s).

Starn, R. og Patridge, L.: Arts of Power: Three Halls of State, Oxford, 1992, . “The Republican Regime of The Sala dei Nove in Siena, 1338-1340” Introduksjon og kap. 1. (ca. 60 s.).

Bal, Mieke & Bryson, Norman: The Art Bulletin, 1991. “Semiotics and Art History” s. 174-208 (34 s).

Leo Steinberg: The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion, Chicago and London, 1996. (392 sider).

Publisert 10. aug. 2007 11:12