
Published Aug. 13, 2008 5:14 PM

Gjesteforelesning: Prof. Pak Yuha (Sejong Universitet, Sør-Korea),"East Asia - Anti-Japanese Sentiments and Post-Nationalist Perspectives"

Tid: den 18. august 2008, 16:15 - 18:00.

Sted: Georg Sverdrups Hus, Undervisningsrum 1.


South Korean nationalism retains strong anti-Japanese tendencies, which hark back to the anti-colonial nationalism of the colonial days (1910-1945), but at the same time are being decisively formed by the particularity of South Korea's post-colonial situation. The same may be said about China's anti-Japanese sentiments, initially stirred up by the Japanese war of aggression (1937-1945), but now being influenced also by the specificity of China's soci-political circumstances. In case of South Korea, it appears on the surface to be at odds with Japan, but in reality have sustained a special kind of mutually adhesive relationship since 1945, in which the colonial past itself has been deliberately forgotte...