
Grunnbøker (kjøpes på Akademika)

Rogan, Eugene (2011): The Arabs – a History. London: Penguin Books (s. 1-15, 104 – 633).

Filiu, Jean-Pierre (2011): The Arab Revolution – Ten Lessons from the Democratic Uprising. London: Hurst & Company (s. 5 – 17, 31 - 107, 121 – 149)

Thorbjørnsrud, Berit (red.) (2015): Kristne i Midtøsten: kamp om tilhørighet. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademiske (Forord, kapittel 1, 4, 5, og 10, totalt 83 s.)


Artikler tilgjengelige på UiOs nett:

Tétrault, Mary Ann (2011), “The Winter of the Arab Spring in the Gulf Monarchies”. Globalizations, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 629-637. URL:

(8 s.)

el-Mahdi, Rabab (2009): “Enough!: Egypt’s Quest for Democracy”. Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 42, No 8, pp. 1011 – 1039 (28 s.). URL: .

Tuastad, Dag (2013): “From football riot to revolution. The political role of football in the Arab World”. Soccer & Society, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 376 – 388. URL: . (12 s.)

Hofheinz, Albrecht (2011): “The Arab Spring: Nextopia? Beyond Revolution 2.0”. International Journal of Communication, 5 (2011), s.1417-1434, URL:  (17 s.)

Lynch, Marc (2013): “Twitter devolutions”. Foreign Policy, February 7th 2013. URL: (3 s.)

Utvik, Bjørn Olav (2014): “The Ikhwanization of the Salafis: Piety in the Politics of Egypt and Kuwait”. Middle East Qritique, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 5 – 27. URL: . (22 s.)

Anderson, Lisa (2011): “Demystifying the Arab Spring: Parsing the Differences Between Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya”. Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 3, pp. 2 – 7. URL: . (5 s.)

Joffè, George (2011): “The Arab Spring in North Africa: Origins and Prospects”. The Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 507 – 532. URL: . (25 s.)

Haddad, Fanar (2014): “A Sectarian Awakening: Reinventing Sunni Identity in Iraq After 2003”. Hudson Institute. URL:  (34 s.)

Leenders, Reinoud (2013): “How the Syrian Regime Outsmarted Its Enemies”. Current History, December 2013. URL:  (7 s.)

Bahout, Joseph (2013): “Sectarianism in Lebanon and Syria The Dynamics of Mutual Spill-Over”. Peace Brief 159, United States Institute of Peace. URL:  (4 s.)

Gade, Tine (2012): “Tripoli (Lebanon) as a microcosm of the crisis of Sunnism in the Levant”. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the British Middle East Studies Society (BRISMES), London School of Economy (LSE), 26-28 March 2012. URL:  (s. 1 – 22, 44 – 46).

Artikler tilgjengelige på Fronter:

Nordenson, Jon (2010): “We Want Five – Internett og demokratisering I Kuwait”. Babylon, Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier, No 2 2010, pp. 44 – 56 (12 s.).

Wigen, Einar (2011): “Landsmann, snakk tyrkisk!”. Babylon, Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier, No. 2 2011, pp. 36 – 48 (12 s.)

Thorbjørnsrud, Berit (2005): “This war is predominantly about women”. Babylon, Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier, No 2 2005, pp. 40 – 54. (14 s.)

Utvik, Bjørn Olav (2005): “The Political formation of Contemporary Iran” (50 s.)

Tank, Pinar (2010): “Tyrkias militære og den dype staten”. Babylon, Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier, No 1 2010, pp. 70 – 80 (10 s.)

Lia, Brynjar (2014): “Jihadbevegelsen i den arabiske verden før og etter 2011”. Babylon, Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier, No 2 2014, pp. 8 – 24 (16 s.)

Kverme, Kai (2012): “Han er vår lærer – Hizballah etter Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah”. Babylon, Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier, No 1 2012, pp. 42 – 54 (12 s.)

Selvik, Kjetil (2010): “Golfmonarkiene – mer variasjon enn olje kan forklare”. Babylon, Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstuider, No. 2 2010, pp. 8 – 20 (12 s.)


Totalt: 1070 sider


Publisert 1. juni 2015 15:25 - Sist endret 1. juni 2015 15:25