


  • Eickelman, D. F. 2002. The Middle East and Central Asia (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kapitlene 6, 7 og 8 finnes i  kopisamling"MØNA2504 Kultur og samfunn i Midtøsten"
  • Abu-Lughod, Lila. 1999. Veiled sentiments : honor and poetry in a Bedouin society. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press. Hele boka. (255 s.) Kjøpes
  • White. Jenny B. 2002. Islamist mobilization in Turkey: a study in vernacular politics. Seattle, Calif.: University of Washington Press. Hele boka (276 s.) Kjøpes

Islam og feminisme

Ære og skam

  • Ismail, Salwa (2009) Youth, gender, and the State in Cairo: Marginalized Masculinities and Contested Spaces, I Samir & Rosanna Saad Khalaf (red.) Arab society and Culture: An Essential Reader, Saqi, s. 159-166 (16s.) I kopisamling
  • Wikan, Unni: Shame and Honour: A Contestable Pair. Finnes i Man, 19, 1984. Sidene 635-652.
  • Faqir, Fadia. 2001. Intrafamily femicide in defence of honour: the case of Jordan. Finnes i Third World Quarterly 22 (1): 65-82
  • Peteet, Julie. Male Gender and Rituals of Resistance in the Palestinian "Intifada": A Cultural Politics of Violence. Finnes i American Ethnologist, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Feb., 1994), pp. 31-49.
  • Zoeph, Katherine (2009) A Dishonorable Affair: Chastity and Honor Killing in Syria, i Samir & Rosanna Saad Khalaf (red.) Arab society and Culture: An Essential Reader, Saqi, s. 159-166 (7 s.) I kopisamling

Politisk kultur

  • Farraj, A. 1977. The wastah among Jordanian villagers. Finnes i Patrons and Clients in Mediterranean Societies, (ed.: E. Gellner and J. Waterbury). London: Duckworth. 225-238 (13 s.). Kopisaml.
  • A. Nizar Hamzeh, Clientelism, Lebanon: Roots and Trends. Finnes i Middle Eastern Studies 37, 2001, pp 167–178 (21 s.)
  • Wedeen, Lisa. 1999. Acting "As If": Symbolic Politics and Social Control in Syria. Finnes i Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 40, No. 3 (Jul., 1998), pp. 503-523 (21s.) Cambridge University Press.
  • Weir, Sheilagh. 2007. Enforcing the law. Kap. 1. Finnes i A Tribal Order. Politics and Law in the Mountains of Yemen. Austin: University of Texas Press. 167-189 (23 s.).  I  kopisaml.
  • Bayat, Asef. 2002. Activism and Social Development in the Middle East. Finnes i International Journal of Middle East Studies. 34. (1):1-28 (28 s).
  • Lang, Sharon. 2002. Sulha Peacemaking and the Politics of Persuasion. Finnes i Journal of Palestine Studies 31. (123): 52-66 (14 s.).
  • Tuastad, Dag. 1997. The Political Role of Football for Palestinians in Jordan. Finnes i Entering the Field. New Perspectives on World Football, (ed.: Gary Armstrong and Richard Giulianotti). Oxford: Berg Publishers. Side 105 - 122 (17 s.). I kopisamling.
Publisert 25. juni 2013 18:27 - Sist endret 25. juni 2013 18:27