
Det kan bli små endringer, men ikke når det gjelder bøker.

Bøker – kjøpes

  • Bayat, Asef (2013) Life as Politics: How ordinary People change the Middle East, Stanford: Stanford University Press. Hele boken er pensum
  • Le Renard, Amélie (2014) A Society of Young Women: Opportunities of Place, Power, and Reform in Saudi Arabia, Stanford: Stanford University Press s. 1-170 (170s). Hele boken er pensum


  • Abufarha, Nasser (2009) Dying to live, i The making of a Human Bomb, An Ethnography of Palestinian Resistance, Durham: Duke University Press, (Kap.5, s.134-186)
  • Buccianti, Alexandra (2010) "Dubbed Turkish soap operas conquering the Arab world: social liberation or cultural alienation?" i Arab Media Society, Issue 10 (11s).
  • Deeb, Lara (2006). Introduction: Pious and/as/is Modern, I An enchanted Modern. Gender and Public Piety in Shi’I Lebanon, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University press, s.3-41
  • Eickelman, Dale. F. (2002). What is a tribe? (Chap.6) & Personal and Family Relationships (Chap.7) I: The Middle East and Central Asia. An Anthropological Approach, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, s.126-178 (52s).
  • Inhorn, Marcia C. (2004). "Middle Eastern Masculinities in the Age of New Reproductive Technologies: Male Infertility and Stigma in Egypt and Lebanon" i Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Vol. 18, Issue 2, (21s).
  • Ismail, Salwa (2009). "Youth, Gender, and The State in Cairo: Marginalized Masculinties and Contested Spaces". Kap. 4 i Political Life in Cairo’s New Quarters. Encountering the Everyday state. Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press (32 s.)
  • Kandiyoti, Deniz. "Ch. 12, The paradoxes of masculinity: Some thoughts on segregated societies" i Dislocating masculinity: Comparative ethnographies, London: Routledge, 1996, s. 198-214 (16s).

  • Khosrokhavar, Farhat (2007) “The new religiosity in Iran”, i Social compass, 54(3), 2007 (s. 453-463) (11s).
  • Kartveit, Bård (2017). Being a Coptic Man: Class, Religion and Manhood in Urban Egypt. (Canvas) (28 s.)
  • Mahmod, Saba (2001). “Feminist theory, embodiment, and the docile agent: Some reflections on the Egyptian Islamic revival" i Cultural Anthropology. Volume 16, Issue 2 (35s).
  • Mohammad, Hayder Al- (2011). “You have Car Insurance, We Have Tribes”. Negotiating Everyday Life in Basra and the Re-emergence of Tribalism, I Anthropology of the Middle East, Vol. 6, No.1 (14 s.)‐Hosseini, Ziba (2006). “Muslim Women's Quest for Equality: Between Islamic Law and Feminism" i Critical Inquiry, Vol. 32, No. 4  (17s)'s%20Quest.pdf
  • Moghadam, Valentine (2002). "Islamic Feminism and Its Discontents: Toward a Resolution of the Debate" i Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 27, no. 4 (37s)
  • Peteet, Julie (1994). "Male Gender and Rituals of Resistance in the Palestinian "Intifada": A Cultural Politics of Violence" i American Ethnologist, Vol. 21, No. 1 (19s).
  • Peterson, Mark Allen (2011). "Making Kids Modern: Agency and Identity in Arabic Children's Magazines" i Connected in Cairo: Growing up Cosmopolitan in the Modern Middle East, Mark Allen Peterson, Bloomington: Indiana University Press (kap.2. s. 28-63) (35s).
  • Sandıkcı, Özlem og Ger, Güliz. (2007). Constructing and Representing the Islamic Consumer in Turkey, Fashion Theory, Volume 11, Issue 2/3, pp. 189–210
  • Singerman, Diane, 2007, The Economic Imperative of Marriage: Emerging Practices and Identities among Youth in the MIddle East.  The MIddle East Youth INitiative. Working Paper, Nu. 6 September 2007
  • Thorbjørnsrud, Berit. 2004, MOTSTAND MOT SLØR / MOTSTAND MED SLØR - Hijab i Norge: Trussel eller menneskerett? Njål Høstmælingen (red.) Oslo: Abstrakt forlag,(s.36-52)
  • Thorbjørnsrud, Berit. 2002, ÆRE OG SKAM I ET ANTROPOLOGISK  PERSPEKTIV, ARR: Idehistorisk tidsskrift 3. (s.31-37)



Publisert 22. mai 2018 11:10 - Sist endret 26. sep. 2018 13:55