
Det skilles mellom pensum (totalt 1071s), som skal leses av alle, og anbefalt lesning, for de som ønsker å fordype seg, f. eks. fordi de skal holde foredrag eller skrive seminaroppgave om emnet.


Bøker (kjøpes på Akademika)

  • TRABOULSI, Fawwaz, A History of Modern Lebanon, London : Pluto, 2007. Hele boken er pensum. (256s).
  • KHATIB, Lina and Dina MATAR, The Hezbollah Phenomenon, London: Hurst, 2014. Introduction og Kapittel 1-3. 5 og Conclusion (156s).
  • KNUDSEN, Are and Michael KERR, Lebanon after the Cedar Revolution, London : Hurst, 2012. Kapittel 1-3, 5-8 (140s).
  • ROUGIER, Bernard, The Sunni tragedy in the Middle East. Northern Lebanon from al-Qaeda to ISIS, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015. Introduction, Kapittel 1, 2 (s. 26-27, 52-57), 3, 4 (s. 82-95, 102-106, 113-123), 5 (s. 124-144, 150-170), 6, Epilogue, Conclusion (204s).


Artikler (tilgjengelig på nett, se linker i timeplanen)

  • BARAK, Oren, “Towards a representative military? The transformation of the Lebanese officer corps since 1945”, Middle East Journal, Vol. 60, N°1, Winter 2006 (pp.75-93, 18s).
  • CLARK, Janine A. and Bassel F. Salloukh, “Elite strategies, civil society and sectarian identities in postwar Lebanon”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 45, 2013, pp. 731-749. (20s).
  • GAUB, Florence, (2007) “Multi-Ethnic Armies in the Aftermath of Civil War: Lessons Learned from Lebanon”, Defence Studies, 7:1, (pp. 5 – 20) (15s)
  • GADE, Tine and  Nayla MOUSSA, “The Lebanese army after the Syrian crisis: Alienating the Sunni community”, in Are J. Knudsen and Tine Gade (eds.), Situating (In-)Security: A United Army for a Divided Country?, forthcoming (Tilgjengelig på Fronter). (22s).
  • MCLAURIN, Ronald, “From Professional to Political : the Redecline of the Lebanese Army”, Armed Forces and Society, Vol. 17, N° 4, Summer 91. (24s).
  • HOURANI, Albert, “Ideologies of the mountains and the city”, in Roger Owen (ed.) Essays on the Crisis in Lebanon, (London, Ithaca Press, 1976). (8s) (Tilgjengelig på Fronter)
  • HOURANI, Guita, “Lebanese Diaspora and Homeland Relations”, Paper Prepared for the Migration and Refugee Movements in the Middle East and North Africa, October 2007. (20s).
  • HUMPHREY, Michael, “Lebanese identities: between cities, nations and transnations”, Arab Studies Quarterly, 26:1, Winter 2004, pp. 31-50. (20s).
  • KINGSTON, Paul, “Patrons, Clients and Civil society: A Case Study of environmental politics in Postwar Lebanon”, Arab Studies Quarterly, 23:1, Winter 2001, pp. 55-72. (17s).
  • NORTON, Augustus Richard, “Lebanon after Taef: Is the Civil War over?”, Middle East Journal, Vol. 45 (1991), pp. 457-473 (16s).
  • PICARD, Élisabeth, Lebanon. A Shattered Country, (New York, Holmes et Meier publishers, 2002). kap. 5 (14s) (Tilgjengelig på Fronter).
  • SAADEH, Sofia, The quest for citizenship in post Taef Lebanon, (Beyrouth, Sade publishers, 2007). Kap 2 (45s). (tilgjengelig på Fronter).
  • SALIBI, Kamal, « The Lebanese identity », Journal of Contemporary History, 6 :1, 1971, pp. 76-81+83-886 (9s).
  • SHEHADEH, Lamia Rustum, “The Legal Status of Married Women in Lebanon”, International Journal of Midle East studies, 30:4, Nov. 1998, pp. 501-519. (20s).
  • STEPHAN, Rita, “Lebanese-Americans Identity, Citizenship and Political Behavior”, The Palma Journal, NDU Press, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2009, pp. 139-162) (33s)
  • ZAHAR, Marie-Joëlle, “Is All the News Bad News for Peace. Economic Agendas in the Lebanese Civil War”, in International Journal, Toronto, 2000-2001, Winter, Vol. 56, No. 1 (s. 115-128, 14s).



Publisert 2. des. 2015 14:28 - Sist endret 12. jan. 2016 15:49