

13.02.2006: Dette er nå den korrekte pensumlisten. Vi beklager om endringene har medført noen ulemper for dere.

Leselisten er retningsgivende for den kunnskapen som studenten forventes å tilegne seg i løpet av studiet.

*Bettum, Anders : Den store Aton-hymnen , i Naguib, Saphinaz og Johansen, Eldrid (red.): "Den egyptiske dødeboken og tekster om livets vei". 2001. De norske bokklubbene (i serien "Verdens hellige skrifter"). s. 39-44.

*Bonnefoy, Yves (red.): Greek and Egyptian Mythologies, 1992. S. 215-235.

Bottéro, Jean: Mesompotamia, Writing, Reasoning and the Gods, Chicago and London 1996. The University of Chicago Press.

*Brewer, Douglas J. and Emily Teeter: Egypt and the Egyptians, 1999. Cambridge University Press, UK. Kap. 2: “The river, valley and desert”, s. 16-26.

Finkelstein, Israel and Silberman, Neil Asher: The Bible Unearthed, New York 2002 . Touchstone.

Hooke, S.H.: Middle Eastern Mythology, London 1991. Penguin Books.

*Hornung, Erik: Classification and articulation of the pantheon, Kap. 7 i "Conceptions in God in Ancient Egypt. The one and the many". 1971. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York. s. 217-250.

*Lichtheim, Miriam: The Old and the Middle Kingdoms, i "Ancient Egyption Literature. Volume I". University of California Press. Berkley and Los Angeles. The Story of Sinuhe, s. 222-235.

Niditch, Susan: Ancient Isrealite Religion, Oxford and New York 1997. Oxford University Press.

*Quirke, Stephen and Jeffry Spencer: Ancient Egyptian Religion, 1992. British Museum Press, UK. “Introduction: Knowing Egyptian beliefs”, s. 7-20.

*Quirke, Stephen and Spencer, Jeffry: The British Museum book of Ancient Egypt., 1992. British Museum Press. London. Kap. 2: "An historical outline", s.28-57.

*Taylor, John H: Death and the afterlife in Ancient Egypt, 2001. British Museum Press, UK. Kap. 1: “Death and resurrection in ancient Egyptian society”, s. 10-45.

*Wilkinson, Richard H. : The complete temples of Ancient Egypt. , 2000. London. Thames and Hudson.. Kap. 3: “Worlds within worlds” og kap. 4: “Between heaven and earth”, s. 52-99.

* Finnes som kompendium til salgs i Kopiutsalget. For å handle i Kopiutsalget må gyldig studentbevis medbringes. 

Publisert 25. okt. 2005 01:05 - Sist endret 13. feb. 2006 17:29