
Gavin Flood (1996), An introduction to Hinduism. Cambridge University Press.

Hindu Myths, oversatt av Wendy Doniger. Penguin Classics.

Bhagavadgita leses i norsk (av Jens Braarvig) eller engelsk oversettelse.


Bhatt, Chetan & Parita Mukta (2000), "Hindutva in the West: mapping the antinomies of diaspora nationalism", Ethnic and Racial Studies, 23:3, 407-441

*Brekke, Torkel (1999), ”The conceptual foundation of missionary Hinduism”, The Journal of Religious History, Vol. 23, No. 2, June 1999, s. 203-14.

*Jacobsen, Knut A. (2004), "Establishing ritual space in the hindu diaspora in Norway", i: Knut A. Jacobsen & P. Pratap Kumar (ed.) (2004), South Asians in the diaspora: histories and religious traditions, Boston/Leiden: Brill

*Jaffrelot, Christophe (2007) Hindu Nationalism. A Reader. Princeton. Part 1: Introduction

*Jaffrelot, Christophe & Ingrid Therwath (2007), "The Sangh Parivar and the Hindu Diaspora in the West: What Kind of ‘‘Long-Distance Nationalism’’?", International Political Sociology 1, 278–295

*Knott, Kim (2009), "Becoming a 'Faith Community': British Hindus, Identity, and the Politics of Representation", Journal of Religion in Europe 2, 85 - 114

*Vertovec, Steven (2000), The Hindu Diaspora. Comparative Patterns. London: Routledge. Kapittel 1.

Zavos, John (2010) "Situating Hindu nationalism in the UK: Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the development of British Hindu identity", Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 48:1, 2-22

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Publisert 30. mai 2017 11:16 - Sist endret 18. aug. 2017 15:06