Syllabus/achievement requirements

Arvidsson, Stefan. 2006. Arian Idols. Indo-european mythology as ideology or science. Chicago University Press. Finne sogså på svensk, 2000. Ariske idoler. Den indoeuropeiska mytologin som ideologi ock vetenskap. Brutus Österlings Bokförlag. (300 sider)

Jacoby, Sarah. 2013. Love and Liberation. Autobiographical Writings of the Tibetan Buddhist Visionary Sera Khandro, Columbia University Press. (324 sider)

Deeb, Lara 2006. Enchanted modern. Gender and public piety in Shi'i Lebanon, Princeton University Press. (232 sider)

Jung, Dietrich 2011. Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere: A Genealogy of the Modern Essentialist Image of Islam. Equinox Publishing. (275 sider)

Kraft, Siv-Ellen og Richard Natvig (red.). 2006. Metode i religionsvitenskap. Pax. (180 sider)

Smart, Ninian. 2000 (1983). Worldviews. Cross-cultural explorations of human beliefs. Prentice Hall. (166 sider)

Publisert 18. mai 2017 13:50 - Sist endret 18. mai 2017 13:50