

Warikoo, Kulbhushan, ed.: Religion and Security in South and Central Asia, 2011. London & New York: Routledge. 1-123.

Wlodarczyk, Nathalie: Magic and warfare: appearance and reality in contemporary African conflict and beyond, 2009. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-188.

Elektroniske artikler

Jerryson, M: "Appropriating a space for violence: State Buddhism in southern Thailand" i Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 40 (1): 33-57.

Kent, A: "Reconfiguring security: Buddhism and moral legitimacy in Cambodia" i Security Dialogue 37 (3): 343-361.

Seneviratne, H. L: "Buddhist Monks and Ethnic Politics: A War Zone in an Island Paradise" i Anthropology Today 17 (2): 15-21.


Bartov, Omer, and Phyllis Mack: In God's name: genocide and religion in the twentieth century, 2001. New York: Berghahn Books. Ch. 5-7, 123-179.

Fuglerud, Øivind: "Aestethics of Martyrdom: The Celebration of Violent Death among the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam" i Violence expressed: an anthropological approach, edited by M. Six-Hohenbalken and N. Weiss: 2011. Farnham: Ashgate. 71-88.

Lawrence, Patricia: "The changing Amman: Notes on the Injury of War in Eastern Sri Lanka" i Conflict and Community in Contemporary Sri Lanka, edited by S. Gamage and I. B. Watson: 1999. Delhi: Sage Publications. 197-215.

Salemink, Oscar: "Ritual Efficacy, Spiritual Security and Human Security: Spirit Mediumship In Contemporary Vietnam" i Ed: T. H. Eriksen, E. Bal and O. Salemink: A World of insecurity: anthropological perspectives on human security, 2010. London: Pluto Press. 262-289.

Kent, Daniel: "Onward Buddhist Soldiers" i M. K. Jerryson and M. Juergensmeyer (ed): Buddhist Warfare, 2010. New York: Oxford University Press. 157-177.

Anbefalt lesning

Behrend, Heike: Alice Lakwena & the holy spirits: war in Northern Uganda 1985-97, 1999. Oxford: James Currey.

Frydenlund, Iselin: The Sangha and its relation to the peace process in Sri Lanka, 2005. Oslo: International Peace Research Institute.

Kastfelt, Niels: Religion and African civil wars, 2005. London: Hurst.

Orjuela, Camilla: "The Bullet in the Living Room: Linking Security and Development in a Colombo Neighbourhood" i Security Dialogue 41 (1), 2010. 99-120.

Victoria, Brian Daizen: "'A Buddhological Critique of "Soldier-Zen" in Wartime Japan" i M. K. Jerryson and M. Juergensmeyer (ed): Buddhist Warfare, 2010. New York: Oxford University Press. 105-130.

Warikoo, Kulbhushan, ed: Religion and Security in South and Central Asia, 2011. London & New York: Routledge. 124-217.

Publisert 10. juni 2011 13:10 - Sist endret 5. aug. 2011 16:03