
Bell, Cathrine (1997): Ritual. Perspectives and Dimentions, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ikke kap. 6, 7 og 8.

*Brown, Karen McCarthy (1999): "Writing about “the Other”, i Russell McCoutcheon (ed.) The Insider/Outsider Problem in the Study of Religion, London and New York. Cassell.

Flood, Gavin (1999): Beyond Phenomenology: Rethinking the Study of Religion, London and New York: Cassell. 311 s.

*Geertz, Clifford (1999): ”From the native’s point of view" i: The Insider/Outsider Problem in the Study of Religion, Russell McCoutcheon (ed.) , London and New York: Cassell.

Haugen, Odd Einar og Einar Thomassen (1990): Den filologiske vitenskap, Oslo: Solum. Utdrag: "Innledning", s 11 - 36, "Mål og metodar i tekstkritikken", s 128 - 180. .

Jordheim, Helge (2001): Lesningens vitenskap, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Ikke kap.4.

*Shaw, Rosalind: "Feminist anthropology and gendering of religious studies", i Russell McCoutcheon (ed.) The insider/outsider problem in the study of religion, London and New York 1999.

*Stensvold, Anne (2004): Hunting for Paradigms in the History of Religions, i: Unterwegs. Neue Pfade in der Religionswissenschaft, Kristoph Kleine, Monika Schrimpf, Katja Triplett (eds.), München: Biblion Verlag.

*Weber, Max: The sociology of religion, Boston 1993. Beacon Press. Utdrag: “Gods, magicians, and priests” (s.20-31), “The prophet” (s.46-59), “Theodicy, salvation and rebirth” (s.138-150), "The different roads to salvation” (s.151-165), “Ascetism, mysticism, and salvation religion” (s.166-183).

* Finnes som kompendium til salgs i Kopiutsalget. For å handle i Kopiutsalget må gyldig studentbevis medbringes.

Publisert 24. apr. 2006 19:48 - Sist endret 24. aug. 2006 12:23