
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
22.01.2009Ute Hüsken   Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Introduction – Vedic Religion   Lecture

Reading: Michael Witzel „Vedas and Upaniṣads“; Axel Michaels, Hinduism: Past and Present, chapter 2: Historical Foundations 

29.01.2009Ute Hüsken  Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Buddhism and Jainism  Lecture

Reading: The World of Buddhism: Introduction by Richard Gombrich, The Buddha, his Teaching, and his Sangha by Etienne Lamotte; K. W. Folkert: Introduction to Jainism; 

05.02.2009Ute Hüsken and Claus Peter Zoller   Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Islam   Lecture

Reading: Jamal Malik, “Canons, Charismas and Identities in Modern Islam: Richard M. Eaton: Sufi Folk Literature and the Expansion of Indian Islam Richard M. Eaton: Temple Desecration and Indo-Muslim States 

12.02.2009Claus Peter Zoller  Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Folk Religion  Lecture

Reading: Roma Chatterji: „The Category of Folk.“ Günther-Dietz Sontheimer: „Rudra and Khandoba: Continuity in Folk Religion.“ William Sax: „The Hall of Mirrors: Orientalism, Anthropology, and the „Other“.“ 

16.02.2009  Fronter (http://fronter.uio.no)    Hand in first qualifying assignment in Fronter by 15.00 
19.02.2009Claus Peter Zoller   Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Bhakti   Lecture

Reading: The Camphor Flame, chapter 7: Devotionalist Movements John Stratton Hawley: “Author and Authority.”  

26.02.2009Claus Peter Zoller  Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Epics  Lecture

Reading: John Brockington: “The Sanskrit Epics”, Susan S. Wadley: “Popular culture and the North Indian oral Epic Dhola.” 

05.03.2009Claus Peter Zoller  Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Possession   Lecture

Brückner, Heidrun “Fluid Canons and Shared Charisma: On Success and Failure of Ritual Performance in a South Indian Oral Tradition”. Kathleen M. Erndl: Possession by Durga: The Mother Who Possesses, Erika Bourguignon: „Suffering and Healing, Subordination and Power: Women and Possession Trance.”  

12.03.2009Ute Hüsken and Claus Peter Zoller  Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Tantrism   Lecture

Reading: Mark Elmore: “Theologies of visibility and evidentiary authority in eastern Himachal Pradesh” Hugh B. Urban, Matrix of Power: Tantra, Kingship, and Sacrifice in the Worship of Mother Goddess Kamakhya 

19.03.2009Ute Hüsken  Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Religion and Ritual  Seminar

Reading: Seligman et. al., Ritual and its consequences. An Essay on the limits of sincerity. OUP 2008; chapter 1: Ritual and the subjunctive. Axel Michaels, Hindusim, “Religiosity”, pp. 226-252 

26.03.2009Ute Hüsken and Claus Peter Zoller   Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Pilgrimage  Seminar

The Camphor Flame: Chapter 9: Pilgrimage Victor Turner, “The Center Out There: Pilgrims’ Goal”  

03.04.2009  Fronter (http://fronter.uio.no)    Hand in second qualifying assignment in Fronter by 15.00 
02.04.2009Ute Hüsken and Claus Peter Zoller   Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Festivals  Seminar

Reading: John MacAlloon, Rite, Drama, Festival, Spectacle; Introduction; The Camphor Flame, chapter 6: rituals of the village 

23.04.2009Ute Hüsken and Claus Peter Zoller  Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Sacrifice  Seminar

The Camphor Flame: Chapter 4: Sacrifice 

30.04.2009Ute Hüsken   Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16  Religion at home  Seminar

Michaels: chapter(s) on saṃskāras; The camphor flame: chapter 3: worship 

07.05.2009Ute Hüsken   Seminarrom 3 P.A.Munchs hus, 14.15-16    Lecture 
11.05.2009  Fronter (fronter.uio.no)  Home examination  Exam questions are posted in fronter at 12.30 
14.05.2009  Fronter (fronter.uio.no)  Home examination  Exams must be submitted in Fronter by 15.00 
Published Jan. 6, 2009 10:31 AM - Last modified Feb. 4, 2009 2:28 PM