
Pensumslitteraturen er for det meste tilgjengelig på UHS, eller vil bli gjort tilgjengelig på første forelesning.

Politisk historie

Ali Riaz: Bangladesh in 2004: The politics of vengeance and the erosion of democracy: Asian Survey, 45, 1 2005.

Rounaq Jahan: Bangladesh in 2003: Vibrant democracy or destructive politics?: Asian Survey, 44, 1 2004 (6 s.).

A.E. Ruud: Towards an understanding of Bangladeshi political culture: mss., 2004 (20 s.).

Talukder Maniruzzaman: The fall of a military dictator: Pacific Affairs, 65, 2 1992 (21 s.).

Peter J Bertocci: Bangladesh in the early 1980s: Asian Survey, 22, 10 1982 (21 s.).

A.M. Quamrul Alam: The nature of the Bangladesh state in the post-1975 period: Contemporary South Asia, 2, 3 1993 (14 s.).

Sekulær vs. islamsk identitet, og islamisme

Tazeen M Murshid: State, nation, identity: The quest for legitimacy in Bangladesh: South Asia, XX, 2 1997 (34 s.).

AS Huque & MY Akhter: The ubiguity of Islam: Religion and society in Bangladesh: Pacific Affairs, 60, 2 1987 (25 s.).

Rafiuddin Ahmed: The Bengal Muslims 1871-1906: A quest for identity, OUP Delhi 1996.

Rafiuddin Ahmad: Towards a national identity: R. Ahmad ed: Religion, identity and politics: Essays on Bangladesh, Colorado Springs 2002 (34 s.).

Bertil Lintner: Religious extremism and nationalism in Bangladesh: Religion and security in South Asia, mss. 2002 (28 s.).

Bistandsavhengighet og korrupsjon

Rehman Sobhan: The crisis of external dependence: the political economy of foreign aid to Bangladesh, Zed books, London 1982 (kap. 1 og 3-6, tils. 103 s.).

Geof D Wood: Plunder without danger: IDS Bulletin, 1988 (14 s.).

Eirik G Jansen: Hvem ber om bistanden: Forum for utviklingsstudier, 5, 1987.

Eirik G Jansen: Bistandsforvaltning og eksterne konsulenter: Forum for utviklingsstudier, 2, 1991.

AE Ruud & KA Kjerland: Et mylder av aktører: Norsk utviklingshjelps historie bind II, 2003 (15 s.).

Stat, samfunn og korrupsjon

Zakiuddin Almas: Corruption in Bangladesh: An analytical and sociological study, Transparency international Bangladesh chapter (28 s.).

Stanley A Kochanek: Patron-client politics and business in Bangladesh, University Press Ltd Dhaka 1993.

Naomi Hossain: Elite perceptions of poverty in Bangladesh, University Press Ltd 2005 (kap. 1, 3-7; 108 s.).

Økonomiske relasjoner

Eirik G Jansen: Rural Bangladesh: Competition for scarce resources, Oslo 1986.

Kirsten Westergaard & Abul Hossain: Boringram revisited: Persistent power structure and agricultural growth in a Bangladesh village, Dhaka 2005 (kap. 1-2, 4-6; 53 s.).

Hossain Zillur Rahman: Local governance and community capacities: Search for new frontiers, UPL Dhaka 2002. Kap. 5-8 (79 s.).

Kvinner og barn

Sarah C White: Arguing with the crocodile: Gender and class in Bangladesh, 1992.

J Kotalova: Belonging to others, Uppsala 1993.

Naila Kabeer et al: Needs vs rights? Child labour, social exclusion and the challenge of universalising primary education: N Kabeer et al eds: Child labour and the right to education in South Asia: Needs vs rights?, UPL Dhaka 2003 (29 s.).

Publisert 5. des. 2005 17:45 - Sist endret 16. feb. 2006 12:00