
The theme of the course is performance in South Asia: Classical dance, Sanskrit theatre, performance of folk epics, Hindi drama. The course consists of three components:

Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
05.09.2012 Anne Keßler-Persaud  Wednesday 12.15-14.00 seminar room 12 P.A. Munchs Building  Religious aspects of the North Indian classical dance "Kathak"   
06.09.2012 Anne Keßler-Persaud   Thursday 12.15-14.00 seminar room 12 P.A. Munchs Building  Religious aspects of the North Indian classical dance "Kathak"    
07.09.2012 Anne Keßler-Persaud   Friday 10.15-12.00 seminar room 12 P.A. Munchs Building  Religious aspects of the North Indian classical dance "Kathak"    
05.11.2012 Kamaluddin Nilu (Ibsen-studier)  Monday 14.15-18 seminar room 15 P.A. Munchs Building  The Sanskrit play Urubhanga by Bhasa   
09.11.2012 Claus Peter Zoller  Friday 14.15-18 seminar room 4 P.A. Munchs Building  A folk "Mahabharata" in the Indian Himalayas   
Publisert 24. aug. 2012 16:06 - Sist endret 27. aug. 2012 12:55