We are pleased to invite …

We are pleased to invite to our June lecture at


  • THURSDAY JUNE 3rd, 2010, 16:15 P.A. Munchs Hus, seminarrom 1

Imperial-Way Zen: Continuing Debates about Its Causes and the Nature of Buddhist Ethics

Christopher Ives: Stonehill College

In stark contrast with popular images of Zen and ethics, during the Second World War Zen leaders actively supported Japanese imperialism, thereby giving rise to “Imperial-Way Zen.” This historical record prompts an array of questions: How might we account for this apparent violation of Buddhist ethical principles? Where were the precepts, non-harming, compassion, and the critical spirit of Zen? To what extent have postwar Zen leaders reflected on their wartime collaboration and possibly even started to reform their religion? To address these questions, Christopher Ives will draw from his recent book, Imperial-Way Zen: Ichikawa Hakugen’s Critique and Lingering Questions for Buddhist Ethics.

For more information click here

The invitation poster can be found here

Publisert 28. mai 2010 13:08 - Sist endret 28. mai 2010 13:12