

Michael Lynch: Scotland: A New History (London, 2004), s. 171-449.

Gareth Elwyn Jones: Modern Wales: A Concise History (Cambridge, 1995), s. 3-320.

Artikler og tekstsamlinger

H. T. Dickinson and Michael Lynch: The Challenge to Westminster: Sovereignty, Devolution and Independence (East Lothian, 2000)

R. R. Davis, R. A. Griffiths, Ieuan Gwynedd Jones and Kenneth O. Morgan: Welsh Society and Nationhood: Historical Essays Presented to Glanmor Williams (Cardiff, 1984).


IRSK 1503: Collected texts on Scotland and Wales (tekstsamling av fotokopiert materiale, fås kjøpt på kopiutsalget i Akademika).


  • Nicholas Phillipson: ”The Union Debate 1703-1707” [i kompendium].
  • Janet Adam Smith: “Some Eighteenth-Century Ideas of Scotland”, i Scotland in the Age of Improvement, red. N. T. Phillipson and Rosalind Mitchison (Edinburgh, 1970), s. 107-24 [i kompendium].
  • T. M. Devine: The Scottish Nation 1700-2000 (London, 2000), s. 574-617 [i kompendium].
  • Kenneth Mackinnon: ”Scottish Gaelic today: Social history and contemporary status”, i The Celtic Languages, red., Martin J. Ball with James Fife (London, 1993), s. 491-535 [i kompendium].


  • R. R. Davis, R. A. Griffiths, Ieuan Gwynedd Jones and Kenneth O. Morgan: Welsh Society and Nationhood: Historical Essays Presented to Glanmor Williams (Cardiff, 1984), [artikkel blir bestemt senere].
  • Keith Robbins: ”Cultural Independence and Political Devolution in Wales”, i The Challenge to Westminster: Sovereignty, Devolution and Independence, red. H. T. Dickinson and Michael Lynch (East Lothian, 2000), s. 81-90.
  • Robert Owen Jones: ”The sociolinguistics of Wales”, i The Celtic Languages, red., Martin J. Ball with James Fife (London, 1993), s. 536-605 [i kompendium].

Supplerende bakgrunnslitteratur (ikke pensum):

Christopher Haigh, red.: The Cambridge Historical Encyclopedia of Great Britain and Ireland (Cambridge, 1996). [Avsnitt som omhandler Skottland og Wales.]


  • Alexander Broadie: The Scottish Enlightenment (Edinburgh, 2001).
  • Alexander Broadie, red.: The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment (Cambridge, 2003)
  • T. M. Devine: The Scottish Nation 1700-2000 (London, 2000).
  • T. M. Devine, C. H. Lee and G. C. Peden, red.: The Transformation of Scotland: The Economy Since 1700 (Edinburgh, 2005).
  • Christopher Harvie: Scotland and Nationalism: Scottish society and politics 1707 to the present (Abingdon, 2004).
  • Christopher Harvie: No Gods and Precious Few Heroes: Twentieth-century Scotland (Edinburgh, 1998).
  • Rosalind Mitchison: A History of Scotland (London, 1970).
  • N. T. Phillipson, Rosalind Mitchison, red.: Scotland in the Age of Improvement (Edinburgh, 1970).
  • T. C. Smout: A History of the Scottish People 1560-1830 (London, 1998).
  • T. C. Smout: A Century of the Scottish People 1830-1950 (London, 1997).
  • Christopher A. Whatley: Bought and Sold for English Gold? Explaining the Union of 1707 (East Lothian, 2001).


  • John Davis: A History of Wales (London, 1994).
  • Kenneth O. Morgan: History of Wales: Rebirth of a Nation – Wales, 1880-1980 Vol 6 (Oxford, 1981).
  • Kenneth O. Morgan: Modern Wales: Politics, Places and People (Cardiff, 1995).
  • Philip Jenkins: A History of Modern Wales, 1536-1990 (London, 1992).
  • D. Gareth Evans: A History of Wales, 1815-1906 (Cardiff, 1989).
  • D. Gareth Evans: A History of Wales, 1906-2000 (Cardiff, 2000).

Publisert 19. aug. 2005 17:49 - Sist endret 19. aug. 2005 18:19