
Teoretisk lesing

Assmann, J. : Religion and Cultural Memory, 2006 (Originaltittel: Religion und Kulturelles Gedächtnis 2000). Stanford. Kap 4 og 5.

Carruthers, M. : The Book of Memory, 1990. Cambridge. Introduksjon (s 1-15), kap. 1 & 7.

Stock, B. : Implications of literacy, 1983. Princeton.

Stock, B. : Listening for the Text: On the Uses of the Past., 1990. Baltimore & Lond.



Pryce, Huw (ed.) : Literacy in Medieval Celtic Societies , 1998. Cambridge. Kap. 1 (15-38), 3 (62-82), 7 (133-148) & 13 (238-258) (NB bibliografien).

Rekdal, JE. Irsk litteraturkritkk i Edda 1983



McCone, Kim: Pagan past and Christian present, 1990. Maynooth: An Sagart. ISBN: 1870684109. Utvalgte kapitler oppgis av faglærer.

Sims-Williams, P. Anmeldelse av McCone i Éigse 29 (1996), s 179-196

Stevenson, J. The beginning of literacy in Ireland i PRIA 89 C 6 (1989), 127-65

Stevenson, J. Literacy and orality in early Medieval Ireland i Edel, D. Cultural Identity and Cultural Integration: Ireland and Europe in the early Middle Ages (Blackrock 1955), s 11-22


McManus, D. Linguarum diversitatis: Latin and the vernacular in early Medieval Britain i Peritia 3 (1984), 151-88 [utv. deler]

Robert, B.F. (ed.) Early Welsh Poetry: Studies in the Book of Aneirin (Aberystwyth 1988) [utv. deler]

Sims-Williams, P. The emergence of Old Welsh, Cornish and Breton orthography, 600-800: The evidence of Archaic Old Welsh, BBCS 38 (1991), 20-86 [utv. deler]

Koch, J. The Cynfeirdd poetry and the language of the sixth century i Robert, B.F. (ed.) Early Welsh Poetry: Studies in the Book of Aneirin (Aberystwyth 1988)

Koch, J. When was Welsh literature first written down? i Studia Celtica 20/21 (1985-6), s 43-66

Sims-Williams, P. Gildas and vernacular poetry i Lapidge , M. & Dumville, D. (eds.) Gildas: New Approaches Studies in Celtic History 5, Woodbridge, 1984, s. 169-92.


Meid, W. Gaulish Inscription (Innsbruck, 1992) (eks fra denne ved faglærer) jf. også Pierre-Yves Lamberts book om Gallisk

Koch, J. Gleanings from the Gododdin & other early Welsh texts BBCS 38 (1991), s 111-118

Gododdin - tekst

Amra Coluimb Chille (tekst m overs hos Clancy & Markus: Iona)

Breatnach, L. The Caldron of Poesy i Ériu 32 (1981), s 45-93

Publisert 24. apr. 2007 19:46 - Sist endra 22. juni 2007 17:37