
* Litteratur merket med stjerne foreligger i kompendium.

Språkhistorie og komparering:

Jackson, Kenneth. 1951. ’Common Gaelic’ The Evolution of the Gaelic Languages. Proceedings of the British Academy. Vol. 37, s.71-97 *

O’Rahilly, Thomas. 1932. [1972]. Irish dialects past and present – with chapters on Scottish and Manx. Kap. xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xix = s.113–147. (Fortrolighet med det meste av boka forventes.) Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.

Ó Baoíll, Colm. 1978. Contribution to a Comparative study of Ulster Irish and Scottish Gaelic. Studies in Language and Literature. Dep. of Celtic. Vol. 4. Queen’s University, Belfast. S. 1–87, 264-305


Gillies, William. 1993. Scottish Gaelic. M. Ball & The Celtic Languages. s.145-227. Routledge, NY. & London

Watson, Seosamh. 1994. Gaeilge na hAlban: Foclóir s.698–702. I: Stair na Gaeilge. Utg. K. McCone, D. McManus Maigh Nuad.*


Thomson, Robert L. 1992. D. Macaulay. The Manx Language. The Celtic Languages. s.100-136. Cambridge University Press. *

Williams, N. 1994. An Mhanainnis. s. 703–741. I: Stair na Gaeilge. Utg. K. McCone, D. McManus Maigh Nuad. *


Tekster på mansk: s.742–744 i Stair na Gaeilge; på skotsk-gælisk og irsk: salme 23 av David og Lukas 15, 11–32 *

Ref. litteratur (hvorfra studenten skal hente språkmateriale):

Borgstrøm, Carl H. 1940. The Dialects of The Outer Hebrides. NTS. Suppl.b. I. Oslo

Oftedal, Magne. The Gaelic of Leurbost, Isle of Lewis. 1956. NTS. Suppl.b. IV. Oslo

Skotsk-gælisk ordliste m/ oversettelse til irsk der det ikke er sammenfall i G. Mac Gill-Fhinnein. Gáidhlig Uidhist A Deas (Téacsleabhar). Institiúid Árd-Léinn. BÁC 1966, s. 109-39. *

Ó Siadhail, M. 1989. Modern Irish. Grammatical Structure & dialectal variation. Cambridge Univeristy Press.


An Foclóir Beag. Gaeilge-Gaeilge. An Gúm. BÁC. 1991.

Brigh nam Facal. Faclair Ur don Bhun-sgoil. Utg. R. Cox. Roinn nan Cánan Ceilteach, Oilthigh Ghlaschu [University Glasgow]. 1991

Maclennan, Malcolm. 1925. A pronouncing and etymological dictionary of the Gaelic Language. Gaelic – English/ English – Gaelic. Edinburgh. [Senere: Aberdeen University Press, 1979, etc.]

Dinneen, P. Irish- English Dictionary. Dublin.

Publisert 19. nov. 2007 10:58 - Sist endra 30. nov. 2007 10:08