

De Fina, A., D. Schiffrin og M. Bamberg (red.) 2006. Discourse and Identity. Cambridge University Press, (et utvalg på ca 250 sider)

Artikler i kompendium:

Benwell, B. og E. Stokoe, 2006. Kap. 4: Narrative Identitities. I Benwell & Stokoe (red.) Discourse and Identity. s.129 - 162. Edinburgh University Press. (33 sider)

Blommaert, J. 2005. Discourse. Kap 8: Identity. s. 203-232. Cambridge University Press (30 sider)

Bruner, J. 1987. Life as narrative. Social Research 54(1): side 11 - 31 (20 sider)

Carranza, I. E. 1998. Low-narrativity narratives and argumentation. Narrative Inquiry 8(2): 287 - 317. (30 sider)

Coates, J. 2005. Masculinity, collaborative narration and the heterosexual couple. I J. Thornborrow og J. Coates (red.), The Sociolinguistics of Narrative, s. 89 - 106. John Benjamins, (20 sider)

De Fina, A. 2003. Crossing borders: Time, space, and disorientation in narrative. Narrative Inquiry, Vol. 13 (2): 1 - 25. (25 sider)

Deppermann, A. 2007. Using the other for oneself. Conversational practices of representing out-group members among adolescents. I M. Bamberg, A. De Fina og D. Schiffrin (red.), Selves and Identities in Narrative and Discourse, s. 273 - 301. John Benjamins. (28 sider)

Georgakopoulou, A. 2007. Thinking big with small stories in narrative and identity analysis. I M. Bamberg (red.), Narrative - State of the Art, s. 145-154, John Benjamins. (10 sider)

Jefferson, G. 1978. Sequential aspects of storytelling in conversation. I J. Schenkein (red.), Studies in the Organization of Conversational Interaction, s. 219-248. New York: Academic Press. (30 s.)

Johnstone, B. 2003. Discourse analysis and narrative. I D. Schiffrin, D. Tannen og H. Hamilton (red.), The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. s. 635 – 649. Blackwell. (15 s.)

Labov, W. and J. Waletzky. 1997 [1967]. Narrative analysis: Oral versions of personal experience. Journal of Narrative and Life History 7(1-4): 3-38. (36 s.)

Labov, W. 1972. Language in the Inner City. Kap. 9: The transformation of experience in narrative syntax, s. 354-396. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (42 s.)

Mishler, E. G. 1991. Representing discourse: The rhetoric of transcription. Journal of Narrative and Life History 1(4):255-280. (25 s.)

Ochs, E. & L. Capps. 2001. Living narrative. Creating lives in everyday storytelling. Kap. 1: A dimensional approach to narrative, s. 1 – 58. Harvard University Press. (58 s.)

Patterson, W. 2008. Narratives of events: Labovian narrative analysis and its limitations. I M. Andrews, C. Squire & M. Tamboukou (red.), Doing Narrative Research, s. 22 – 40. Sage. (18 s.)

Schiffrin, D. 1996. Narrative as self-portrait: Sociolinguistic constructions of identity. Language in Society 25(2):167-203. (35 s.)

Tannen, D.; What’s in a frame? Surface evidence for underlying expectations. I D. Tannen (red.), Framing in Discourse, s. 14 – 56. Oxford University Press 1993. (40 s.)

Artikler som kan lastes ned:

Bamberg, M. og A. Georgakopoulou. 2008. Small stories as a new perspective in narrative and identity analysis. Text & Talk - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse Communication Studies. Vol. 28 (3): 377–396 (20 s.) Kan lastes ned

De Fina, A. 2000. Orientation in immigrant narratives: The role of ethnicity in the identification of characters. Discourse Studies Vol 2 (2): 131 – 157. (26 s.). Kan lastes ned

De Fina, A. 2008. Who tells which story and why? Micro and macro contexts in narrative. Text & Talk - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse Communication Studies, Vol. 28 (3): 421–442. (21 s.) Kan lastes ned

Hamilton, H. E. 2008. Narrative as snapshot: Glimpses into the past in Alzheimer's discourse. Narrative Inquiry, 18 (1): 53 – 82. (30 s.) Kan lastes ned

Linde, C. 2001. The acquisition of a speaker by a story: How history becomes memory and identity. Ethos Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 608-632 (25 s.) Kan lastes ned

Norrick, N. R. 2008. Negotiating the reception of stories in conversation. Teller strategies for modulating response. Narrative Inquiry 18 (1): 131 – 151. (20 s.) Kan lastes ned

Schiffrin, D. 1981. Tense variation in narrative. Language 57 (1): 45 – 62. (17 s.) Kan lastes ned

Publisert 10. des. 2008 11:03 - Sist endret 8. jan. 2009 12:45