Timeplan, pensum og eksamensdato

Kort om emnet

This course sets out to provide an overview of Old Norse religion. As part of the course, students will be introduced to various types of primary source material on this tradition (e.g. textual sources such as poetry, Snorri’s Edda and laws, as well as place names and archaeological findings), along with related secondary literature.
By Old Norse religion is meant the pre-Christian religion of the Viking Age (ca. 800–1050 CE). The course will also touch upon aspects of Christianity during the Nordic Middle Ages (ca. 1050–1550 CE), the emphasis however, will be on the pre-Christian period, the religious conversion around the year 1000, and the sources we have available for studying these topics.

Hva lærer du?

By drawing on various types of source material, the course adopts an interdisciplinary approach the students will gain a thorough overview of Old Norse religion and the transition to Christianity.
Students will develop their ability to evaluate and discuss the use of the different types of source material on pre-Christian Old Norse religion, thus building source-critical skills that will be of value also in other fields. Students will learn to observe, describe and discuss cultural change

Opptak og adgangsregulering

Studenter må hvert semester søke og få plass på undervisningen og melde seg til eksamen i Studentweb.

Dersom du ikke allerede har studieplass ved UiO, kan du søke opptak til våre studieprogrammer, eller søke om å bli enkeltemnestudent.


Anbefalte forkunnskaper

Some previous knowledge in Old Norse language and literature, history of religion or archaeology is an advantage, but not required

Overlappende emner

10 studiepoeng overlapp mot MAS4525 – Old Norse religion (nedlagt)


28 hours of seminars and lectures throughout the semester.
In order to qualify for the exam, the student must hand in one qualifying assignment within a given deadline.
The assignment should be minimum 4, maximum 6 pages long.
The assignment must be approved before the student can take the exam.
An approved assignment is valid for the present and two following semesters the course is given.


The final assessment is based on a 4-hour written school exam.


Emnet bruker karakterskala fra A til F, der A er beste karakter og F er stryk. Les mer om karakterskalaen.

English or any of the Scandinavian languages

Begrunnelse og klage

Adgang til ny eller utsatt eksamen

Fakta om emnet
