Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
22.08.2011Terje Spurkland  Georg Morgenstierne's house sem. room 205 10:15-12  Introduction  Read Erik Moltke: "Runic Writing" 
29.08.2011Terje Spurkland  G.M. sem. room 205 10:15-12  Introduction  Read Henrik Williams: "The Origins of the Runes". 
05.09.2011Terje Spurkland  G.M. sem. room 205 10:15-12  Inscriptions in Older Futhark  Read Elmer Antonsen: "Sacral or Secular? 
12.09.2001Terje Spurkland  G.M. sem. room 205 10:15-12  Inscriptions in Older Futhark  Read Michael Barnes: "On Types of Argumentation in Runic Studies" 
19.09.2011Elise Kleivane  G.M. sem. room 205 10:15-12  The Eggja stone   
26.09.2011Terje Spurkland  G.M. sem. room 205 10:15-12  The transition from the older to the younger fuþark  Read Einar Haugen: "On the Parsimony of the Younger Futhark" 
03.10.2011Terje Spurkland  G.M. sem. room 205 10:15-12  Viking Age inscriptions   
10.10.2011Elise Kleivane  G.M. sem. room 205 10:15-12  Viking Age inscriptions  Read Signe Horn Fuglesang: "Swedish Runestones of the Eleventh Century. Ornament and dating" 
17.10.2011Terje Spurkland  G.M. sem. room 205 10:15-12  Viking Age inscriptions  Read Aslak Liestøl: "The Literate Vikings".

The qualifying essay questions are handed out.  

24.10.2011On your own  Anywhere  Qualification paper  There will be no class. This week is for the completion of the qualification paper. Deadline for sumission, on fronter, Friday 28 October 13.00. 
28.10.2011On your own  Fronter, at latest 13.00  Qualification papar.  Deadline for submission: 13.00. 
31.10.2011Terje Spurkland  G.M. sem. room 205 10:15-12  Medieval inscriptions  Read Einar Haugen: "The Dotted Runes: From Parsimony to Plenitude"

Karin Fjellhammer Seim: "A Review of the Runic Material at Bryggen" 

07.11.2011Terje Spurkland    Discussion of papers  Time and place for this seminar will be settled in accordance with the students. 
14.11.2011Terje Spurkland  G.M. sem. room 205 10:15-12  Medieval inscriptions  Read Helmer Gustavson: "Latin and Runes in Scandinavian Runic Inscriptions"

Terje Spurkland: "Scandinavian Medieval Runic Inscriptions - an Interface between Literacy and Orality?" 

21.11.2011Terje Spurkland  G.M. sem. room 205 10:15-12  Medieval inscriptions   
08.12.2011None  Some place at Campus at 09.00 AM  Runes and runic inscriptions  4 HOURS SCHOOL EXAM. GOOD LUCK!

NB: In addition to the classes there will be organized a museum visit at the end of the course. It is a must to be confronted with the real things!.


Published Aug. 16, 2011 1:43 PM - Last modified Aug. 16, 2011 3:11 PM