
Publisert 27. nov. 2020 12:00

Additional language learning in socio-cognitive and socio-cultural perspectives


This course examines recent and on-going directions in second language acquisition or additional language development (SLA) research, with a focus on socio-cultural and socio-cognitive approaches. Since the turn of the 21st century, the fields of SLA and Applied Linguistics have been reshaped by a ‘Social turn’ and a more recent ‘Multilingual turn’.  We will consider how the field of SLA has expanded both theoretically and methodologically from a focus on language and cognition to include a wider variety of social and cultural factors. The methodological approaches which are in use in the field today will be reviewed and exemplified.  We will critically reflect on some of the debates within the field, including proposals for integrating linguistic, cognitive and social factors in SLA, and calls for greater cross-disciplinary collab...