Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
27.08.2010Unn Røyneland, Hans-Olav Enger    Welcome!  Introduction to the course 
03.09.2010Hans-Olav Enger      Haugen: Language Conflict and Language Planning 
10.09.2010Unn Røyneland      Bucken-Knapp: Elites, Language... 
17.09.2010Unn Røyneland      Bucken-Knapp: Elites, Language... 
24.09.2010Hans-Olav Enger    Language planning, standardization  Jahr 1989: Limits of language planning? Vikør 1997: The relationship between norms, status and regulations Trudgill 1997: Norwegian as a normal language 
01.10.2010Hans-Olav Enger    Language planning, standardization  Jahr 2003: Norwegian Jahr 2007: The planning of Mod. Nw. as a sociolinguistic experiment Papazian 2002: Norwegian "Bokmål" 
08.10.2010Hans-Olav Enger    Dialects  Jahr 1997: On the use of dialects Røyneland 2009: Dialects in Norway: Catching up...? Vikør 1989: The position of standardized vs. dialectal speech 
15.10.2010Hans-Olav Enger    Dialects  Sandøy 1998: The diffusion of a new morphology Sandøy 2004: Types of society and language change 
22.10.2010Unn Røyneland    Dialects  Solheim 2009: Dialect development in a melting pot Kerswill 1996: Divergence and convergence 
29.10.2010Unn Røyneland    Code-switching  Blom & Gumperz 1972: Social meaning in linguistic structure Mæhlum 1996: Code-switching in Hemnesberget - myth or reality? 
12.11.2010Unn Røyneland    Ethnicity and youth  Svendsen & Røyneland: Multiethnolectal facts and functions Svendsen: Linguistic practices in multilingual... Opsahl & Nistov: On some structural aspects Aarsæther: The use of multiethnic youth language 
19.11.2010Unn Røyneland    Ethnicity and youth  Brunstad, Røyneland & Opsahl: Hip-hop, ethnicity and linguistic practice Hårstad: Performing dangerousness Opsahl: Wolla I swear 
26.11.2010    Winding up   
Published June 29, 2010 3:15 PM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2010 12:06 PM