
Teoripensumet vil bli samlet i et eget kompendium. Her følger en oversikt:

Appadurai, Arjun. 1996. “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy”. In: Modernity at Large. Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. University of Minnesota Press. Minneapolis/London, s 27-48 (21 sider)

Bakhtin, Mikhail. 1984. “The Grotesque Image of the Body and Its Sources”. In: Rabelais and His World. Indiana University Press. Bloomington, s 303-368 (65 sider)

Cranny-Francis, Anne. 1990. ”Feminist Utopias”. In: Feminist Fiction. Polity Press. Cambridge, s 107-143 (36 sider)

Jameson, Fredric. 2005. “Utopia and its Antinomies” In: Archaeologies of the Future. The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions. Verso. London/New York, s 142-169 (27 sider)

Jameson, Fredric. 2005. “World Reduction in Le Guin” In: Archaeologies of the Future. The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions. Verso. London/New York, s 267-280 (13 sider)

Ljungquist, Sarah. 2001. Den litterära utopin och dystopin i Sverige 1734-1940. Gidlunds förlag. Hedemora, s 11-65 (54 sider)

Mitchell, W.J.T. 1994. “Realism, Irrealism, and Ideology: After Nelson Goodman”. In: Pciture Theory. University of Chicago Press. Chicago/London, s 345-362 (18 sider)

Morson, Gary Saul. 1981. ”Anti-Utopia as a Parodic Genre”. In: The Boundaries of Genre. University of Texas Press. Austin, s 115-142 (27 sider)

Suvin, Darko. 1979. “Defining the Literary Genre of Utopia: Some Historical Semantics, Some Geneology, a Proposal, and a Plea”. In: Metamorphoses of Science Fiction. On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre. Yale University Press. New Haven/London, s 37-63 (26 sider)

Žižek, Slavoj. 1994. “The Spectre of Ideology”. In: Mapping Ideology. Verso. London/New York, s 1-33 (32 sider)

Publisert 22. apr. 2008 18:07 - Sist endret 22. aug. 2008 14:48