Regarding final oral exam: There …

Regarding final oral exam:

There will be two available exam formats. Format A will be the DEFAULT format. If you prefer format B, send us an email by 16:00 on 19 May (next Wednesday). If we haven't heard from you then, we will operate under the assumption that you have chosen the default format A.

Here are the two formats:

Format A: The student arrives at the scheduled exam time and is given the title of one film. She or he has 5 minutes to collect thoughts on the film there in the room then is asked to start discussing the film. This will open a dialog with the examiner regarding the film. Questions regarding at least one other film and/or reading will be posed after about 10 minutes. The point here is that the student has the opportunity to discuss more than just one film, and thus demonstrate a breadth of knowledge.

Format B: The student is given a film title 30 minutes before the scheduled exam, and placed in a separate room with one of us there to monitor, where he or she will then prepare a 15-minute presentation of that film. No notes or supporting materials will be allowed. At the scheduled exam time the student will make her or his 15-minute presentation of the one film, and respond to a few questions on the film and/or a reading that relates to the film. The point here is to demonstrate depth and nuanced analysis of one film.

If you prefer format B, please make sure to email us as soon as possible. If you prefer format A, you do not need to send an email. Your performance will be judged based on the version you choose (the same way written exams are judged in relation to the choice of topic). The exam forms are considered equally challenging, but are not directly comparable.

Published May 15, 2010 8:43 PM - Last modified May 15, 2010 8:45 PM