Teaching - time and place


  • Tuesday 09:15 -12:00, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 24. august to 9. december)

  • Friday 09:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 8 Sophus Bugges hus ( 20. august to 9. december)

Rolf Strandskogen


  • Monday 18:15 -20:00, Språklaboratorium 2 P.A. Munchs hus ( 23. august to 9. december)

  • Tuesday 18:15 -20:00, Seminarrom 6 Sophus Bugges hus ( 24. august to 9. december)

  • Thursday 18:15 -20:00, Seminarrom 6 Sophus Bugges hus ( 19. august to 9. december)


  • Monday 15:15 -17:00, Seminarrom 7 Sophus Bugges hus ( 23. august to 13. december)

  • Tuesday 15:15 -17:00, Seminarrom 7 Sophus Bugges hus ( 24. august to 14. december)

  • Wednesday 15:15 -17:00, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 18. august to 15. december)

Frode Hermundsgård


  • Tuesday 16:15 -18:00, Rom 105 Vilhelm Bjerknes hus ( 23. august to 14. december)

  • Wednesday 16:15 -18:00, Rom 105 Vilhelm Bjerknes hus ( 18. august to 15. december)

  • Thursday 16:15 -18:00, Seminarrom 156 P.A. Munchs hus ( 19. august to 16. december)

Astrid Kjetså


  • Tuesday 18:15 -20:00, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 7. september to 14. december)

  • Wednesday 18:15 -20:00, Seminarrom 3 Sophus Bugges hus ( 8. september to 15. december)

Astrid Kjetså


  • Friday 09:15 -12:00, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 3. september to 5. november)

Roger Solberg


  • Tuesday 16:15 -19:00, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 24. august to 21. september)

  • Thursday 16:15 -19:00, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 19. august to 16. september)

Roger Solberg


  • Tuesday 14:15 -16:00, Språklaboratorium 2 P.A. Munchs hus ( 7. september to 26. october)

  • Friday 10:15 -12:00, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 10. september to 22. october)

Harald Olav Pharo


  • Wednesday 16:15 -19:00, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 18. august to 20. october)

Tone Gedde


  • Tuesday 16:15 -19:00, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 28. september to 26. october)

  • Thursday 16:15 -19:00, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 30. september to 28. october)

Roger Solberg


  • Monday 08:15 -09:45, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 30. august to 27. september)

  • Tuesday 08:15 -09:45, Seminarrom 2 Sophus Bugges hus ( 31. august to 28. september)

  • Thursday 08:15 -09:45, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 26. august to 23. september)

Marit Ruud Mcghie


  • Monday 17:15 -20:00, Språklaboratorium 1 P.A. Munchs hus ( 4. october to 1. november)

  • Wednesday 17:15 -20:00, Seminarrom 3 Sophus Bugges hus ( 6. october to 3. november)


Published Mar. 6, 2005 3:19 PM