
Pensum per 9.4.2008

Mer informasjon om pensum kommer her og/eller blir gitt av faglærer i forbindelse med undervisningen.

Kristin Asdal, Kjell Lars Berge, Karen Gammelgaard, Helge Jordheim, Tore Rem, Trygve Riiser Gundersen & Johan Tønnesson. 2008. Tekst og Historie. Universitetsforlaget. 250 sider


Roland Barthes: "The Death of the Author", i Image-Music-Text. Essays selected and translated by Stephen Heath. New York: Hill and Wang 1977, s. 142-149

Michel Foucault; "What is an Author", i Language, Counter Memory, Practice, New York: Cornell UP 1980, s. 113-139

Roger Chartier: "Figures of the Author", i The Order of Books: Readers, Authors, and Libraries in Europe Between the 14th and 18th Centuries, Cambridge: Polity Press 1994, s. 25-61


Darnton, Robert: «First Steps Toward a History of Reading». Australian Journal of French Studies /23 (1986): 5–30. Finnes også i i Robert Darnton: The Kiss of Lamourette. Reflections in Cultural History. /New York/London: Norton: 1990, s. 154–190.

ChartierRoger : «Labourers and Voyagers. From the Text to the Reader», i /Diacritics /22:2, 1992: 49-61. Finnes også i i David Finkelstein and Alistair McCleery: /The Book History Reader, /London/New York: Routledge: 2002, s. 47–58

Tønnesson, Johan L.: /Tekst som partitur/, Oslo: Unipub: 2004, s. 100-145.


D.F. McKenzie, "Typography and Meaning: The Case of William Congreve", i Making Meaning: "Printers of the Mind" and Other Essays, red. Peter D. McDonald og Michael Suarez, S.J. (Boston, Mass.: University of Massachusetts Press, 2002), s. 198-236.

Roger Chartier, "Labourers and Voyagers: From the text to the reader", i The Book History Reader, red. David Finkelstein og Alistair McCleery (London: Routledge, 2002), s. 47-58.

Og evt: George Bornstein, "How to Read a Page", Studies in the Literary Imagination, 32 (Spring 1999), s. 29-58

Tekstbærere og tekstvitner

Machan, Tim William 1991: "Editing, Orality, and late Middle English Texts" i Vox intexta. Orality and Textuality in the Middle Ages: 229-245. Ed. Doane & Pasternack. The University of Wisconsin Press

Dagenais, John 1991: "That Bothersome Residue: Toward a Theory of the Physical Text" i Vox intexta: Orality and Textuality in the Middle Ages: 246-259. Ed. Doane & Pasternack. The University of Wisconsin Press

Meulengracht Sørensen, Preben 2000: "Teksten mellem filologi og litteraturvidenskab" i Den fornnordiska texten i filologisk och litteraturvetenskaplig belysning: 83-95. Red. Kristinn Jóhannesson mfl. Gothenburg Old Norse Studies 2

Wendt, Bo.-A. 2006: “En text är en text är en text? Om en terminologisk tredeling av textbegreppet” i Arkiv för nordisk filologi 121: 253-274


Robert de Beugrande: "II.E. Functional Studies of Language" i de Beugrande: A New Introduction To The Study Of Text And Discourse, 2004, avsnitt 90-110. Kan nedlastes fra newintroto_study.htm

Frantisek Danes: "The Paragraph – a Central Unit of the Thematic and Compositional Build-up of Texts", i B. Wårwik, S-K Tanskanen & R. Hiltunen (eds.) Organization in Discourse. Proceedings from the Turku Conference. Anglicana Turkuensia 14, 1995, 29-40.

Karen Gammelgaard: "Hva er standardspråk?", i K. Gammelgaard, G. Mejdell & R. Svarverud (eds.). Standardspråk underveis. Oslo: Unipub Forlag 2004, 3-18.

Karcevskij, Sergej "The Asymmetric Dualism of the Linguistic Sign," i The Prague School: Selected Writings, 1929–1946, ed. P. Steiner. Austin: University of Texas Press 1982, 47-54 .


Hans Robert Jauß: “Teori om medeltidens genrer och litteratur”, i Eva Hættner Aurelius/ Thomas Götselius (red.): Genreteori, Lund 1997, s. 44-83.

Jean-Marie Schaeffer: “Från text till genre. Anteckningar om genreproblematiken”, i Eva Hættner Aurelius/ Thomas Götselius (red.): Genreteori, Lund 1997, s. 274-295.

Carolyn Miller: “Genre som sosial handling”, i Rhetorica Scandinavica 18/2001, s. 19-35.


Bruno Latour. "Drawing things together". I: M. Lynch & S. Woolgar. 1990. Representation in Scientific Practice. MIT: Cambridge. S. 19- 68.

Quentin Skinner. 2005. Visions of Politics. Volume 1: Regarding Method. Cambridge UP: Cambridge. 103- 127.



Jurij Lotman. 1990. ”Cultural memory, history and semiotics”. I: Universe of The Mind. A Semiotic Theory of Culture. London: I.B. Tauris. Side 217-273.

Umberto Eco. 1992. ”Interpretation and history”. I. Interpretation and Overinterpretation. Cambridge UP: Cambridge. Side 23-44.

Mikhail M. Bakhtin. 1998. Spørsmålet om talegenrane. Ariadne: Bergen. Side 1-44.

Publisert 9. des. 2007 14:47 - Sist endret 17. apr. 2008 13:35