
Tekstsamlinger og lærebøker

The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 1. og 2. bind, 7. utg., 2000.

John Oakland: British Civilization: An Introduction , 5. utg., London, 2002.

John Oakland: Contemporary Britain: A Survey with Texts , 2001.

ENG1505 British Civilisation Texts (tekstsamling av fotokopiert materiale, fås kjøpt på kopiutsalget i Akademika).



Jeremy Black: A History of the British Isles , 1997.



Jan Erik Mustad og Ulla Rahbek, red, A Short Introduction to the History of the United Kingdom (Fagbokforlaget, 2006, isbn 82-450-0385-9)

Oakland, British Civilization: An Introduction og Black/Mustad&Rahbek leses i sin helhet. Fra samlingen Contemporary Britain leses et utvalg tekster som vil bli spesifisert.

Fra Norton-antologien:

Vol. I:

  • Introduksjons- og oversiktsavsnittene ss. 469-485, 1209-1225 og 2045-2053.
  • Queen Elizabeth I, "Speech to the Troops at Tilbury"
  • Samuel Pepys, Diary: "The Great Fire"
  • Richard Steele, "The Spectator's Club"
  • Joseph Addison, "Sir Roger de Coverley at Church"
  • Samuel Johnson, A Dictionary of the English Language: "Preface"


Vol. II:

  • Introduksjonsavsnittene ss. 1-6 og 1043-1057
  • Victorian Issues: "Industrialism" og "The Woman Question"


Fra tekstsamlingen 'ENG1505 British Civilisation Texts':

  • Joseph Addison, "The Royal Exchange"
  • Alle tekstene i avsnittene "Scotland and Wales", "The Two World Wars" og "Education"


De øvrige tekstene i ENG1505 British Civilisation Texts leses kurosorisk.

Fotokopiert materiale (utdeles):

  • John Evelyn, Diary 2-16 September 1666




  • Christopher Haigh (red.), The Cambridge Historical Encyclopedia of Great Britain and Ireland (paperback-utg. 1990). Spesielt kap. 5, 6 og 7.
  • The Pelican History of England, spesielt bind 8 og 9.
  • Britiske dags- og søndagsaviser (studentene bør lese minst én hver uke):The Independent, The Times, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent on Sunday, The Sunday Times, The Observer, The Sunday Telegraph


Til supplering og oppslag


  • Robert Blake, The English World (1982).
  • Vernon Bogdanor, Devolution in the United Kingdom (2001).
  • Asa Briggs, A Social History of England (1983).
  • Linda Colley, Britons: Forging the Nation, 1707-1837 (1992).
  • Robert Garner and R.N. Kelly, British Political Parties Today (1993).
  • Bamber Gascoigne, Encyclopedia of Britain The A-Z of Britain's Past and Present (1993).
  • Michael Leapman, Treacherous Estate: The Press after Fleet Street (1992).
  • John Oakland, A Dictionary of British Institutions: A Student Guide (1993).
  • Martin Pugh, Britain since 1789: A Concise History (1999).
  • Anthony Sampson, Anatomy of Britain (1962).
  • Anthony Sampson, Anatomy of Britain Today (1965).
  • Anthony Sampson; The New Anatomy of Britain (1971).
  • Norman Wilding and Philip Laundy, An Encyclopædia of Parliament (1972).
  • The_ Times _London Atlas
  • Britain: The Official Yearbook of the United Kingdom
  • Whitaker's Almanack
Publisert 25. okt. 2005 12:23 - Sist endret 19. sep. 2019 11:14