
Publisert 9. mai 2008 16:26

All uncollected essays have now been placed on the shelf marked "Wold" on the 11th floor of NT.

Publisert 22. apr. 2008 17:40

Those who need to resubmit their essay should do so at the tutorial groups during the week beginning on 21 April. If you are unable to attend: submit on the shelf marked 'Wold' on the 11th floor of NT.

Publisert 9. apr. 2008 12:00

Essays which have not been collected (groups 4 and 2 so far) can be found on the shelf marked 'Wold' on the 11th floor of NT (across the corridor from my office, next to the printer).

Publisert 1. apr. 2008 14:15

The qualification essays will be returned at the tutorial groups next week (week starting 7 April). If your essay is marked 'Resubmit', you will need to hand in a revised version two weeks later (on paper and at your group). If you are unable to attend, you may put your essay on the shelf marked 'Wold' across the corridor from my office on the 11th floor of NT.

Publisert 23. mars 2008 13:09

The exercises for the first week of teaching after Easter (starting 31 March) on 'Britain in Decline' have been posted in Fronter. Remember to print them out and prepare ahead of the group-sessions that week.

Publisert 4. feb. 2008 13:25

NB: Note that, beginning from next week (11 Feb.), handouts will be posted in Classfronter before the lecture or seminar. I will not bring copies on paper. ALW

Publisert 23. jan. 2008 14:56

Infomøte om studietur til York! Turen finner sted i uke 10 og 11, og er primært for studenter som tar emner på 1000-nivå i engelsk. Infomøte tirsdag 29. januar 11.15-12 i seminarrom 8 Sophus Bugge. Påmeldingsfrist mandag 4. februar, påmeldingsskjema på døra til Ellinor Dalbyes kontor, 805 NT. NB: Førstemann til mølla!